How'd you pick your Avatar and/or Username? (Share a little bio?)

by Open mind 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hi everyone,

    Even though you might think it's painfully obvious, explain why you chose your Avatar and/or Username. It could help us faceless "netizens" get to know each other a little better.

    Open Mind

    Oh yeah, I'll start:

    My Avatar: I looked at a bunch of pictures of people with holes in their heads, but that's not really what I wanted to convey. Then I thought of blowholes (since I can be a long-winded blow-hard) and found this picture of a wave exploding. The wave pictures a new thought or inspiration. Something I'm always "Open" to. (Of course a good dub would say that I'm just tossed about like the waves of the sea. Gag me............. with a large implement of animal husbandry.............., please. )

    My Username: Open Mind. Although you wouldn't know it from my Watchtower Approved "Academic Career" (just a few courses past High School) I chose "Open Mind" because I've always had a love of learning. I've always known that there are (at least) two sides to every story. One of my favorite Asian proverbs is: "Between the two extremes, lies virtue."

    One of my favorite quotes to raise fellow-dubs blood pressure used to be:

    "There's SOME good in all religions."

    Then as the dub eyebrows and hackles would start to rise, I used to then add this nauseatingly self-righteous qualifier:

    "Just not enough."

    (I can't bring myself to add the qualifier anymore.)

    Anyway, I think an Open Mind will always be a "young mind" and that's how I hope to always be.
    Kinda soundin' all Forrest Gumpy here aren't I?

    Oh well.

    I have always liked Forrest. ............... Forrest Gump.

    What's your story?

  • nvrgnbk

    I feel the Holy Spirit was instrumental in guiding me to both my alias as well as my avatar.

    Nvrgnbk(never goin' back) came to me in a dream much in the same way the name Jehovah's Witnesses came to

    J.F. Rutherford.

    The avatar of a decrepit watchtower came to me when I was meditating upon the future of the WTBTS.



  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    My avatar and alias both come from the same source. She's right here in front of me snoozing on the monitor with her tail swaying gently so that it makes it impossible for me to see my screen.

    Her name is Moggy, she has whiskers, salmon breath and is the spoiltest darn cat this side of anywhere.


  • averyniceguy

    How did I choose my username? Well, Alots of people tell me that I am a very nice guy.

    How did I pick my avatar? I just want to make people laugh.

  • Anony-Mouse

    I don't want anyone to know who I am.

    But I still wanted it to be unique and have the same sense of humor I have (meaning none :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) .

    And as for avatar...I don't know how to get one, so I have none :wink: .

  • MsMcDucket

    Well, when they asked me for one, I couldn't think of anything snappy for this group? I have nicks like "poopedout" for a certain group and a nick called "palpitations" for another group, which really identifies with each group; but for some strange reason nothing came to mind but my real nick name "mcducket". My real nick name is really longer than that! My big brother game me that name because he thought I looked like money; and "duckets" is a word used for money. I thought that I'd put "Ms" on it for two reasons one because I'm female and the other because "M and S" are part of my initials. BTW my older sisters, and brothers, cousins, and aunt call me "Ducket" or "Duggy".

    Now, the spoon gif and the pull your panties up gif's, I got from my daughters. The youngest had the spoon gif uploaded all ready and the oldest one had the pull your panties up and be a big girl one up "tadah!" that's how I got my gifs.

    The purple ribbon is for my support of Linda and her fight against pancreatic cancer.


  • RichieRich

    My name is Richard, but growing up, I was known as Richie.

    It didn't bother me when my parents called me Richie, but for some reason, I hated it when others called me that. RichieRich, of course, was even worse than just calling me Richie.

    For some reason, it just felt right to go by that name here.

    My avatar was taken in the bathroom at the Kingdom Hall, shortly after a meeting with the elders.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    my avatar is me in croatia last summer.

    tetrapod.sapien is a type of reminder. in programing "." is often used as a joiner or connector. i chose to join the two because of the juxtaposition it creates.


  • found-my-way

    I change my pics all the time...I get bored with the same one, not that I get bored if others keep theirs the same...

    name was harder to choose....

    it is pretty self explanatory

    I was lost to the borg, then when I learned the truth about the 'troof' I found the path that is right for me...

    by leaving that religion behind, I felt a huge weight lifted off, and for the first time I was able to see clearly where I was headed in life.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    The Avatar is a photograph of myself.

    The username is the influence of a song
    sung by Dion & The Belmonts. (The Wanderer-1962)

    Wander:(4) to turn away from accepted belief or
    morals.-Webster's NewWorld Dictionary 1982.

    In my case accepted belief not morals.

    The Wanderer

    They call me the wanderer, yeah the wanderer,
    I roam around, around, around, around, around ...


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