National Times Newswire - April 9, 2007
Radio Host Don Imus Joins the Jehovah’s Witness Governing Body
Arthur, National Times Staff Writer
New York - Just days after infuriating the public with his racially inflammatory comments, and enduring a grueling appearance on Al Sharpton’s radio program, long time radio personality Don Imus has decided to accept an invitation to join the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
"It was a complete shock to me", says long time Imus friend Mike Caldecci.
"One day, he’s telling us how he looks forward to returning to work from his suspension, the next day, he’s telling us that he has ‘found the truth’. It was totally out of the blue."
Don Imus came under a firestorm after making racist comments toward female players of the Rutgers University basketball team on his nationally syndicated radio show. In an effort at reconciliation with the public, Imus decided to make an appearance on the Al Sharpton Radio Show to offer his apologies to the Rutgers team as well as their families. Shortly after the radio appearance, Don Imus was notified by MSNBC executives that he would be suspended for two weeks.
Another close friend, and MSNBC colleague of Imus, Sharon McNalton related: "I certainly didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Don was telling us that he would be back, and we even talked about a few segment ideas. A few days later, he was all of the sudden talking about buying a good field service car, how he needed to throw away all of his Ted Nugent records, and how I shouldn’t do Yoga anymore. I never imagined that it was because he had converted to Jehovah Witness. It was unsettling to say the least."
The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a dynamic religious movement known for their door-to-door visitations and preaching activity. The movement claims a membership of over 6 million people in over 200 countries. The organization is directed and governed by its administrative headquarters located in Brooklyn Heights, NY. The administrative body, or the Governing Body as it is formally called, is made up of nine men who direct the activities and worship of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide.
What was to be a simple two week suspension for the 67 year-old radio host, quickly turned into a life changing course. According to unnamed sources, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society; the legal corporation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, contacted Imus shortly after his suspension and invited him to visit their Brooklyn Heights headquarters. The Watchtower Society had recently lost one of it’s long-time Governing Body members; Carey Barber who had passed away; and was searching for a suitable replacement. It now seems that Don Imus would fill that void.
However, some long time members of the Jehovah’s Witness movement aren’t happy. One long time member who spoke on condition of anonymity stated: "This is a very disturbing development in Jehovah’s organization. We have always been taught that anointed brothers are the ones who take the lead in directing our world wide work. How do they explain putting a person on the Governing Body who isn’t even a baptized brother? This just doesn’t seem right to me. I think I just might check out that Raymond Franz book after all."
Another Jehovah’s Witness, who also declined to give their name, commented: "What really bothers me is that this a man who just recently make very inflammatory comments about African Americans. Now, he is going to be serving as a member of the Governing Body of the Christian Congregation. This bothers me because many apostates have accused [former Watchtower President] Joseph Rutheford of being anti-Semitic. Now, our opposers are going to say even worse things about us. I am thinking that I might go find that Ray Franz book."
According to statements made in the Watchtower magazine, which serves as the Jehovah’s Witness bimonthly journal; there would be a possible doctrinal change regarding the organization’s appointment of Governing Body members. The Watchtower stated that there would be an addition of what is referred to as a Jonadab Class. This means that at a future time, non-anointed followers could possibly begin to serve in senior administrative capacities such as the Governing Body.
However, the Watchtower Society has recently expanded on this new "Jonadab" doctrine. In a recent Watchtower press release issued by the organization; Watchtower spokesperson P.R. Brown explains that the Jonadab "Class" itself will be expanded. The press release states: "Jehovah’s organization is a progressive organization. We continually make adjustments and refinements where necessary. New light has revealed to us that there will now be a ‘Quasi-Jonadab Class’. This can include non-baptized followers who have met certain Scriptural requirements."
When discussing what those requirements specifically were, Brown stated that such requirements included "being able to to say the word Zerubbabel ten times without getting tongue tied, and being able to watch a Beyonce Knowles video without getting aroused." According to Watchtower sources, Don Imus met such requirements.
Inside sources within the Watchtower Society say that this new understanding regarding a "Quasi-Jonadab Class" opens the way for many more non-anointed, non-baptized individuals to become members of the Governing Body. One source reveals that efforts are already under way to recruit additional Governing Body members. Such possible candidates include: child actress Dakota Fanning, former Yankees slugger Reggie Jackson, fitness guru Richard Simmons, and The Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show.
Don Imus’ addition to the Jehovah’s Witness Governing Body has taken millions of followers by surprise. Many Witnesses question how Imus will get along with fellow Governing Body member Samuel Herd who is an African American.
Imus has not been available for comment, and his agent has not returned telephone calls. In discussing the issue as to whether Don Imus is a suitable replacement for Carey Barber, Watchtower Society spokesperson, P.R. Brown issued the following additional statement: "We should be careful not to allow ourselves to develop a fault-finding attitude toward Jehovah’s sprit-directed organization. We need to continue to have respect for Jehovah’s Theocratic arrangement. Unfortunately, there will be some like the rebellious Korah who will want to find fault with the arrangement of things. Certainly those who are pure in heart will not allow themselves to become presumptuous and reject the way in which those taking the lead are carrying out Jehovah’s work. Let us put off every form of prideful, independent thinking, and show a willing and humble spirit in cooperating with the Quasi-Jonadab Class."
According to Watchtower sources, Don Imus will be assigned a position in the Sound and Recording Department where he will record his voice for various Bible dramas. Sources say that his first assignment will be to record his voice for a drama where he will portray Balaam’s ass.
Don Imus’ controversial past does not seem to discourage Watchtower officials. His manner of speech and appearance seem to be a good match for the organization’s Governing Body. As far as possible problems with Governing Body member Samuel Herd are concerned, all indications seem to suggest that the organization will keep the two separated as much as possible.
As an added incentive for Imus to agree to join the organization; the Watchtower Society has agreed to provide him with a new suite in it’s new residential building soon to be completed, also affectionately known as "DUMBO".