how long were you out before...

by lydia 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steven

    Me & my wife have been disassociated for less than a week.


    My wife discovered this board about 2 weeks ago while we were exhaustively looking up things to help us make our "FREEDOM" decision...

    We live in the UK near Northampton.


  • AmazingProgeny

    Hello. I'm not here much, but I like to post when I can. I am a stay-at-home mom of four kids, so my free time is very limited. Right now, I'm typing this while nursing the baby and keeping two others occupied with candy.

    I left in 1992. I was raised as a JW by my parents,Amazing and AmazingEX. Our entire family left at the same time (parents, 3 siblings, my husband& me). I think my last meeting was just before I got married in September of 92. We have gone to one memorial service and one funeral at the KH. My husband and I just walked away. We have only had JWs come to the door twice. Once I was in my pajamas and robe and the other time I was nursing the baby. I think I scared them off. :-) We live in Oregon.


  • Bridgette

    I've been out and free for almost 3 years. I live in beautiful Colorado USA. I came to this board in August. It's nice to talk to people who've "been there, done that".

  • Englishman


    One hell of a journey coming up for you, believe me!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Trotafox

    Hi, everyone. Brand new to this discussion board (or any discussion board for that matter). I was a "robotic parrot" for 11 yrs. I disassociated myeself this June (one day before my birthday; what a birthday I had!) Since I just started posting, I think I'll flip to the "personal stories" section(I think there's a section like that) and post my story there rather than here. Look forward to many chats. See ya. (P.S. How do you put icons in this stuff?)

  • jterfehr

    Been out for 5 years now. Was a MS. DF'd. I moved to a nearby town for a while (in shame?) but now I have moved back to my home town of 26 years with my head high. All the whopppers (J-Whoppers, as I and my local apasto freinds call them now) love to hate and shun us. We just smile and say "Hello so and so hows it going" every chance we get. They have to feel wierd and bad, not me. Let my old friends (many for years) ignore me and look away. They can answer to Jesus for that, I will continue to be loving and help any of them I can. I just thank the lord (Jesus/Jehovah whatever you like) that I got out while I was still young enough to enjoy life and plan a future.


  • tyydyy

    Been out over a year now and just started posting on this site.

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