I think I've shared before that I have a few family members with mental illness. My mother is bipolar. My son, son-in-law, and ex-husband are all Schizophrenic. I'm literally surrounded by the mentally ill.
Purps, I grieved for two years when I accepted my son's diagnosis of Schizophrenia. I think it's reconciling our children to a shortened life and limited possibilities. On the other hand, bipolar disorder is much easier to treat and manage than Schizophrenia. Very talented and successful people have had bipolar disorder.
I also consoled myself with the knowledge that some parents raise a child with a genetic disorder or defect, such as Cystic Fibrosis, that will dramatically shorten the life of their child and limit their possibilities. Nevertheless, they love the child for who he is. Whatever your child may be like, they will be a spark in the world.
From what I read, her behaviour is not by choice .....so that is a bit easier to accept.
By the way, the latest counselling for the mentally ill is that they can hold some responsibility for their actions. Once your daughter is stabilized, she can be taught to self-monitor her state of mind, recognize when she is "off". After all, diabetics must do the same or die. She should learn to speak up to a trusted confidant when she starts to derail. If she takes responsibility for her illness, staying on her medication even when she feels good, she will have a much better time of it.
It is extremely difficult for the "good" siblings to keep resentment at bay. After all, the sick one sucks up so much of the parent's love and energy. What is left for them? I've lately realized I've cheated my daughter from attention and time. So I take care to give her moments that are her very own. I don't ask her to help me with rescue attempts any more. I suggest you don't tell your sons how they should respond to their sister's illness. That may just compound their resentment. Just give them time, and time to work out their own feelings on their own. Very often, your devotion to your sick child will be a lonely walk.
I am hoping that medication will fix alot of this, but I don't know what to expect
The medication does have side effects. I've observed that both medication and the come-down from manic highs flattens the personality somewhat. She won't be as dazzlingly witty or insightful. Some of the damage is permanent. This is the great temptation for those with bipolar disorder to go off the medication. Oh, the zombie state is from tranquillizers, often needed in the first few days or weeks to keep a manic person from hurting themselves. That zombie state is NOT permanent! Shame on the staff for saying so.
At this point I don't even know what to expect from her. what is reasonable. She can work only 19 hours a week, or she will lose her benefits. But, she cannot work until she is on her meds and stableized.
Support her in her choices. Slow down your expectations. Cheer her on when she makes a milesone. If she slips, remind her that this is a temporary setback, and she can try again. My son is nearly thirty, on disability, homeless and unemployed again. He is in jail for an error in judgement. Nevertheless, I remind him of the great progress he has made in the last couple years. He has admitted to his drug problem (huge). He visits his Psychiactric nurse religiously, and stays on his medication. He is brighter and happier than he has in years. I remind him of all that. He thanks me nearly daily that I have stuck by his side and have kept believing in him. Sometimes he is deeply resentful that he does not have a family or a child of his own, like most men his age. I remind him again and again he has to get his own life in order first. I don't want a grandbaby born addicted to drugs.
My son is enrolled in a dual diagnosis treatment centre. They help the person with both their mental illness and their drug addiction problems. You might want to check in your area if there is a similar treatment available. I do hope my son will heed their advice and stay away from the drug culture altogether.
It's OK to be tired and sad for a while. You don't have to be strong all the time. Keep posting and talking and you will get through this.