First Reaction To My UN letters

by Ranchette 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ranchette

    My husband called his cousin this morning and the first thing the cousin said to my husband was something like, are you aware that your wife sent us some information that was very disturbing to us?

    My husband let him know that he did not know I was sending out those letters but he had since done research on the info and found that I was correct.

    The cousin asked my husband if he was aware that I could be in trouble for a letter like that. My husband informed him again that I was telling the truth and he had called the UN himself to verify.

    The cousin said he would call the society to see if this is true but
    they are sticking with Jah’s org no matter what because no matter what mistakes they make he appreciates them teaching him the truth from the bible and there’s no where else to go.

    My husband said hecould tell he was disturbed even though he was saying these things.

    So the seeds of truth were planted. Hehe[J]
    We will see what develops over time.

    I told my husband that he should have told his cousin that I sent one of these letters to my PO just to show him how afraid I am of the kind of trouble he was speaking of. He didn’t.
    I’m sure I’ll have more stories later.
    Here’s a copy of the letter:

    Hello, I’ve missed you. Just a short letter to say hi and let you know that we are all doing well. I hope this letter finds you doing well to. The kids are growing like weeds!
    Recent events have every one wondering if this is it? There’s excitement and anxiety both for just about everyone.

    I thought you would find this interesting.
    I went to the UN’s official website and found out some information I didn’t know before.
    The UN has governmental members as we are already aware of, but I found out that they also have non-governmental organizations as well. They are called NGOs and are associated with the DPI or (Department of Information) section of the UN.
    In order to become a member an organization has to show proof of their non -profit status, fill out a lengthy application, promise to support the UN and its goals and promote its Charter. They must also promote the UN’s DPI information in their literature.
    I was not surprised as I scanned down through their alphabetical listing of members to see just about every religion and church you could think of listed. Catholics, Jews, Muslims and on and on. I was feeling very smug, thinking about all these religions “prostituting” themselves with the “Scarlet Colored Wild Beast “ That feeling didn’t last because when I got down to the W’s guess who I saw listed right along with the rest of them. Yes, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!!!!!!
    If you call the UN you will be told that the Society has been members since 1991.
    We all know what happens to a witness who joins any governmental organization. You are automatically disassociated! Their hypocrisy and corruption knows no bounds!
    This info has caused such uproar that the UN and WT society is being swamped with phone calls faxes and emails. Some have already disassociated themselves; some are just in shock not knowing what to do!
    The UN was sent copies of some of the negative things the organization has put in its literature about them. The UN is now having a special meeting to review their membership.
    The Watchtower society has been riding the back of the wild Beast for 10 years now. They never counted on the Internet exposing their affair!
    It all makes sense to me now. Before, I couldn’t figure out why the society had changed their tune even saying nice things about the UN in the magazines over the last few years.
    I know you don’t want to hear this and probably don’t believe me so check it out for yourself. The UN website is at: http:/

    There’s so much more that you don’t know about this organization. I won’t say anymore because I think this is more than enough to digest for now.
    I am not happy about this but I love you and you deserve the truth about the “Truth”.

  • Fredhall


    Someone is having a Jezebel like attitude.

  • openminded

    Schools Out!

  • Kophagangelos

    Very good! I have given the copy to my former elder about NGO and he is shocked to experience about NGO and WTC! I told the another brother and sister but they are not shocked! Very strange! I hope it will clearly reveal the truth in all mankind!!!

  • Ranchette

    OH Fred the furry one, you are too kind!!
    If telling the truth means I have a Jezebel attitude then I'm honord to be labled so.
    The truth is more important than any punishment or label I might receive!

  • Tina

    WTG Ranchette!! Planting seeds of truth about the 'trooth'.....and Jezzys are cool! What a great letter!! Thanks for sharing! luv,T

    'Boycott Shampoo! Demand the real Poo!

  • Escargot

    I would like to compliment you on your very impressive letter. It was written very well and went right to the heart of the matter! Our friends, no matter what their religion, deserve the truth when making decisions on their faith.

    Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."

  • Makena1

    Sabine (my wife) and I have sent out some feelers to a few close friends. Only got one reply so far, after having first tried the UN website info, and then the article in the Guardian. Did not get an OMG reaction unfortunately yet:

    Our friend wrote: I went to that site and it sounds like the "disaffected" are disfellowshipped or apostate ones. I'm skeptical to say the least! Like I've always said, Jehovah and his word speaks for itself. All I know is Jehovah's Government is going to rid the world of all oppressive governments and oppressive people inside and outside of his organization! I was just happy to hear what a great impression the brothers & sisters were making in New York since the 9-11 tragedy. The Fire Chief and Mayor Guliani praised them. Plus the Society has been feeding the firefighters and rescue workers for free; transporting them to and from Ground Zero, loaned their equipment, etc. The stuff you never hear about in the news! Also, the Firefighter Commissioner praised the brothers and sisters for the "most important work they've been doing in comforting people'" who are hopeless. I don't know what the "U.N." thing is but I know Jehovah's organization wouldn't have lasted this long if it was due to dishonesty. end quote

    Not sure how my wife and I would be viewed if our friend finds out that others in the KH would view us as "one of the oppressive people in or outside the organization."

    My problem with the Guardian article is that it should have stuck with just the UN news. The blood and pedophile issues, while very important, did make it sound like "those dreaded apostates" were behind the article. Hopefully other news sources in the US will pick up the article, AND/OR the UN itself will revoke the NGO status and make some headlines. Hoping that will make some difference.

    However, as RR pointed out in another thread, there will always be perhaps a majority of JW's who are totally blinded, and brain dead loyal to the society.


  • LDH1

    What I really like is the way the cousin went to Ranchette's HUSBAND, not her.

    This speaks volumes about the way the WT regards women, as second class citizens.

    Ranch, you are under no obligation to meet with the elders concerning this. I can smell that one coming.


  • Farkel

    : The cousin said he would call the society to see if this is true but
    they are sticking with Jah’s org no matter what because no matter what mistakes they make he appreciates them teaching him the truth from the bible and there’s no where else to go.

    What a freaking and idiotic moron.

    WHAT "truth?" There are a LOT of places/people where people can go. Some people actually choose "Christ." After all, HE was the one that Peter was talking about in the first place. Peter was not talking about some fatally flawed "organization" that has the distinction of getting virtually EVERY prediction they've made WRONG. Who can trust losers like that?

    Do freaking morons like your cousin actually READ their Bible?

    No Patience For Idiots Class

    "When in doubt, duck!"


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