by juni 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    I just see zombies,following what they are told. There are many pioneers and aux. pion. since the society has pushed it for the month of April but I see no zeal or enthusiasm, it's all about getting the hours.

    They are not concerned about delivering a message and saving people, just cover the territory, place literature,


    Never hear anyone getting into a spiritual, excited conversation about spiritual things as we used to a few decades back but drag along to the meetings and service. We all know there is much gossip that goes on and problems everywhere in the congr.

    One of the proverbs says when there is no vision the people fall, so there is nothing to look forward to

    and the GB really has nothing to say concerning the end of the system because the bible says no one knows the day.

    Many of the older ones that have been around 40-50 years have even said that they know they will not see the end of this system.

    For the majority they will stick around because they truly have no choice.

    I just feel sorry for many of the young ones because i notice they truly beleive and are sincere, yet we all know of the deception that it is going on.

  • seek2find

    I have definitely seen a change. No get-togethers unless someone dies or gets married. Every trip to the KH seems like going to a penal institution everyone "preforming" as expected. No original anything, just all a big preformance. I don't know the exact numbers but many are on anti-depressants and are in bad marriages . Everyone seems to just be holding on waiting for something but nothing ever comes. Sad, I pray for the day it will all end, if not for the rest maybe just for me. Not the end of life, just the end of the preformance. Family is the reason I stay. seek2find

  • crazyblondeb

    I haven't been in years.....just been around my mom. She's still as miserable as she was years ago!!

    Still the same crap "do more...give give give give give more more more"

  • juni

    Thanks to all of you for taking time to post. I appreciate it.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I attended my last meeting in October '05 but now that I think about it, I did notice that the fire is gone. They appeared so exhausted both mentally and physically that when they smiled, it was a sad smile, certainly fake. I remember having fun in service in the '80's. People were happy then. When I began pioneering in the late '90's, people had less tollerance for each other. They had yelling fights and gossiped jealously amongst themselves. It must be worse and sadder now. When they walk into the hall, they seem to drag their faces behind them. I feel for them. To them, they have no choice but to push along in order to live forever. Their families are held hostage in it so they can't just chuck it all. Mine still believe that we are doing very well in the "truth." It makes me gag to have to write how well we are doing in it instead of just simply doing well in life. I think my dad wants to just quit like he did so many years ago, but with the family pressure, he can't and he pressures us as well. Many may want to escape now but feel stuck. It's sad. I hope they find their way out.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes - definitely one of " going through the motions" now. At one time they were truly motivated and it showed on their faces



    I attend only once a week . My brain hurts if I go any more.

    My congregation has about 30 less members,6 teens disfellowshipped,4 divorces, no new members,less pioneers,no one reaching for any position,and members missing meetings for no reason. Members take more vacations,building big homes,driving nicer cars, and are more concerned about material things. Some don't attend the summer assemblies.Some don't answer at meetings or their answers are word for word from the reading material.Some leave as soon as meetings end. There is no more urgency about the preaching any longer as the hours are down. After the meetings end,there is hardly any talk about spiritual matters.

  • dawg

    Damn guys... are you sure they're not happy in the org? I ask only becasue my family seems more then happy to drop my friendship like a hot potato; all i did was call the GB men and point out the fact, the absolute fact, that the org has made many false predicitions. If they were on the brink of falling out why do they hang on so tightly? Nah! I thought the same thing before I wrote my letter to the family only to have them call me apostate and quit talking to me... there's a real danger of thinking these guys are seeing the light.. I'm paying that price and that's why I got on this site... I just wanted to vent for a while. Bit the truth be told, the believers actually believe this crap... period!

  • Mad

    Some are as always- full of love & zeal, others aren't...However, I notice all the speakers are using "Benefit", "More Fully" and "Spirtual Food" over and over and over, and that, since they appear to be dumbed down- trained to READ- the talks are getting far more's almost like being in Church, sometimes!


  • DannyHaszard

    27 Jan 2006
    Remote User:
    Comments Mole report -- Hi Danny! The kingdom hall in Hingham, Massachusetts has lost about 50% of their membership over the last 2 years mostly whole families have left the witnesses altogether. Most who remain are inactive some (about 5 families) moved away with no forwarding address. Among those who remain, many are known alchoholics and liars. I heard this is typical with the witnesses. The society has sent pioneers to help Hingham complete the territory, because NO ONE in this congregation even goes out in service.Most of the people just put down a few hours of supposed,informal witnessing to keep the elders off their backs. Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses is the same.They lost about 25%, no new growth in years. Most young ones are leaving. Many inactive. Don't know about the rest. How are you? Often think of you. You are in Maine right? How are the Witnesses up there treating your car, are they still smashing windows or cutting tires? Very christian of them!

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