I just see zombies,following what they are told. There are many pioneers and aux. pion. since the society has pushed it for the month of April but I see no zeal or enthusiasm, it's all about getting the hours.
They are not concerned about delivering a message and saving people, just cover the territory, place literature,
Never hear anyone getting into a spiritual, excited conversation about spiritual things as we used to a few decades back but drag along to the meetings and service. We all know there is much gossip that goes on and problems everywhere in the congr.
One of the proverbs says when there is no vision the people fall, so there is nothing to look forward to
and the GB really has nothing to say concerning the end of the system because the bible says no one knows the day.
Many of the older ones that have been around 40-50 years have even said that they know they will not see the end of this system.
For the majority they will stick around because they truly have no choice.
I just feel sorry for many of the young ones because i notice they truly beleive and are sincere, yet we all know of the deception that it is going on.