There are quite a few but the one that got me wondering WTF I was part of was when an elder explained to a group of us that he wanted to actually see the worldly people being executed when the end comes. I thought to myself "you unbelievable bastard".
Post the weirdest conversation that you had with a JW
by jambon1 23 Replies latest jw friends
Probably the day I told my (now ex) mother in law that I had seen my father the Sunday before. She gasped and recommended I go confess to the elders...
(you see.. the Sunday before just HAPPENED to be Fathers Day.. and my father was not a witness)
ironically I had no clue that is even was Father's Day
White Dove
This was a private conversation with a JW neighbor and fellow pioneer that happened in around 1995. It is not religious or anything but bizaar bizzar bizar (pick one) none the less. She proceeded to go on and on and on in detail how her girl parts were not working properly and how she was sooooo sick that her mother "had to put a supository in her anus" for her . It was a major girl infection. I was silent but nodding politely the whole time wondering when she would stop and when she would leave as it was at my house. By far the grossest and most bizzar one sided conversation that I have ever had with anyone.
It wasnt me exactly..I was only observing....I dont know if anybody knows John talks at the big assembly in Perth...well it was before a tuesday group...and a guy called Jamie Harvey asked him what was his most embarrassing moment?....he (JA) said he was giving a talk at a hall when he was adjusting the mic and he pulled at it so hard it hit his face....BUT....while he was demonstrating the mic hitting his face scenario... he jerked back and his wig fell off...he was totally bald!!!...all credit to him though...he put it back on and took the group
p.s Jamie Harvey's retort was classic...he said..."that is now your second most embarrassing moment"!
p.s Jamie Harvey's retort was classic...he said..."that is now your second most embarrassing moment"! - NOW THAT IS FUNNY MATE. I REMEMBER THE GUY.
A JW elder told me that their jehovah would execute all children and also adults in countries where they couldn't preach because their parents and governments were warned and that's enough. It sounded like the dubs were heartless and desperate to see the end and as a result they cut big corners. But that also gave God a very bad name.
In talking to my mom about a local witness pedophile close to their home, all she could say was how Jehovah’s name will be dragged through the mud and how all that coming out in the news gives witnesses such a bad name.
We talked about it several times throughout our vacation and every time she would say that, I would say “but what about those children whose innocence was stolen and now they and their families are suffering for life?”
Each time was ignored and all she could say was what reproach would be brought upon the org. Sad to say, but how heartless can you get? I have kids, nieces and nephews, I wouldn’t put it past her to think that she wouldn’t react any different if it were her own grandchildren, which is plain scary…
On a funnier note, one time the C.O. was visiting and he was at the front of the hall after the mtg. He was coming down the 2 steps from the platform all smiling and ready to shake hands with another guy. In doing so, he tripped and said “Jesus Christ!” Then he’s like, “sorry about that”.
We all just kind of looked at each other and laughed later…
I have two stories involving the same elder. He started ranting about evolution and about how he say a bumper sticker of a fish AND IT HAD LEGS. He just kept repeating AND IT HAD LEGS. I could not understand what he was talking about. Later I saw the sticker. It was a parody of the Jesus fish symbol. A Jesus fish was walking out of the primordial ooze on his newly evolved legs. But that was just the beginning of the conversation. Next he started raving about the missing link. He said: "They have bones over here ((gestured to his left)) and bones over hear ((gestured to his right)) BUT NOTHING IN THE MIDDLE." I said something like: "Yeah. They don't have a leg to stand on," and struggled to keep a straight face.
On another occasion, during the bookstudy, I recognized a quote in the Daniel book. The Daniel book itself just says something like "a certain Oxford scholar states..." but I recognized the quote from C. S. Lewis's book on miracles. So then I proceeded to give a more extended description of the passage the Daniel book was quoting from. After I finished, the brother said: "A man like that certainly does not have Jehovah's favor. Horrible higher criticism!" It made absolutely no sense at all. Lewis's point was in complete harmony with the Society's position, and the Society was quoting his point with approval.