Jon passed away this morning

by jonjonsimons 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus

    My condolences, Kevin.


  • bboyneko

    Everyone, please read jonjon's personal experience at this link:

    That way you will get to know what he went through a little better.
    Kevin, I don't know what I'd do if I lost my Girlfriend Saffron, she almost died on me not too long ago and I know how scary it can be having a loved one in the hospital with an ilness that kills most of those who get afflicted. I'm sincerely sorry and although also an athiest, that dosent mean i dont beleive in some sort of after life.

    Take care of yourself,

  • Bridgette

    Dear Kevin,
    I just want to add my condolences. Thank you for sharing with us.

    You are a beloved child of the universe. You will be missed here in this realm.


  • Billygoat

    Oh my goodness! I just read this thread. Kevin I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Jon was one of the sweetest men on this board. Yes, his wicked sense of humor always had me in stitches. My heart hurts. I know yours hurts beyond my understanding. Jon told us many times how much he loved you and how you were such an inspiration to him. I don't know if he told you that, but know that he did tell us. Please email me if you ever feel the need. I would love to have a mailing address to send you some personal thoughts!

    Hugs and lots of love,
    Andi McElfresh

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Dear Kevin

    My deepest condolences, I was so, so sorry to hear the news about Jon, I hope that you will be able to take some small comfort from the messages here, we will all miss him.

    Take care, we are thinking of you.

  • Ranchette


    My condolences to you too.

    I am one of the newer ones here so didn'n no JonJon well but I remember speaking to him in chat very recently.
    I am completly shocked and saddened over your loss.
    Please take care and come join us any time you feel like it.


  • ISP

    Thanks BBoy for the link. Jon managed to have some happiness despite the worst of family life.......not helped by those who should have known better. In fact Jon lead a sucessful life which is good lesson for us all not to dwell on the unchangeable past but to consider your next step and make that a sucessful one.

    Credit to you, Kevin for making his days happy ones.



  • joelbear

    The last correspondence I got from Jon was a note saying how worried he was about me. How amazing that with all that was going on in his own life he took the time to do that for me.

    I hope that I can learn from his example and be more like him.

    Take care and know that you were partnered with a fine man.


  • Amazing

    Hi Kevin: I am very sorry to hear about Jon. I enjoyed his posts and participation here. I heard he was ill, but I did not know he was suffering so seriously. I hope that you will be able to get through this okay, and that you have family and friends to be supportive.

    You might first talk with your attorney, since Jon gave you legal authoirty to handle his affairs. Then, have your attorney advise you on contacting Jon's father. But, I would do it soon, so that his father will not feel totally left out.

    Thanks again for letting us know what happened, and our prayers are with you. - Amazing

  • seven006

    I am speechless.
    Jon had become a very good friend over the last several months and I will miss him tremendously.

    I would like to post Jon's last email to me, it shows what kind af a person he was and how he thought of others before himself.

    Just checking to see if you're ok. I haven't been to work this week and I
    can't check my email from here so I don't know if you've tried to contact. I
    hope you are well. I've been thinking the last couple of days how lucky I am
    to have good people in my life and how important it is to remember that we
    are not alone. I can't watch the tv anymore for the next couple of days
    because it's starting to overwhelm me. At least I have learned one thing, no
    matter what I am going thru, it's nothing compared to those poor people in
    NYC and DC. Anyway, just wanted to drop and line and say hi. I am kinda
    worried about you since the last time we spoke in chat you said you were
    going away for awhile. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
    Your pal,
    Goodbye my friend,

    Your pal,


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