Hobbits turn out older, smaller, curiouser and curiouser
By Deborah Smith Science Editor
October 13, 2005
The hobbit-sized humans who lived on the remote Indonesian island of Flores until 12,000 years ago may have had a very ancient family history.
A new study of bones from more members of the tiny species suggests they descended from an unknown primitive ancestor related to australopithecines like "Lucy", who lived 3 million years ago in Ethiopia.
This would mean human-like creatures must have left Africa much earlier than thought - almost 2 million years ago.
Australian and Indonesian scientists stunned the world a year ago with their discovery in a cave on Flores of the skull and partial skeleton of a new kind of human, dubbed hobbit, who was about a metre tall with a brain the size of a chimpanzee's.
"We now have evidence for at least nine individuals," the research team leader, Mike Morwood, of the University of New England, said yesterday.
Independent scientists who were not members of the discovery team said the latest analysis of the finds, described today in the journal Nature , confirmed the hobbits, Homo floresiensis , belonged to a new species of humans, and were not merely pygmies or diseased modern humans, as a small number of sceptics have claimed.
"This clinches it 100 per cent," said Dr Colin Groves, of the Australian National University.
Daniel Lieberman, of Harvard University, said excavations in Liang Bua cave showed it had been inhabited for more than 80,000 years by people hunting pygmy elephants, making stone tools and using fire.
If they were just small, modern humans with brain deformities, they would have had to survive for a very long time.
"Such possibilities strain credulity," Professor Lieberman said.
Peter Brown, a member of the team from the University of New England, said the newly described remains, which included a second jaw, the right arm of the original skeleton and other leg and arm bones, showed some of the adults were even less than a metre tall.
The team had initially thought the hobbits had descended from a more recent human ancestor, Homo erectus , who underwent a dwarfing process on the island similar to the pygmy elephants.
"But increasingly the evidence is pointing towards an ancestor with the same body size and brain size as australopithecines ," Professor Brown said. With long arms, thick bones and small brains, these people had body proportions "exactly the same as Lucy's".
The new fossils were found last year, but the researchers were unable to dig in Liang Bua this year following a custody dispute with a leading Indonesian researcher over the priceless remains, which resulted in them being irreparably damaged.
Instead, Professor Morwood and his colleagues excavated in the nearby Soa Basin and found "very exciting" evidence, including stone tools that pushed back the known human occupation of the island to at least 1 million years.
Text below adapted from an article in National Geographic, April 2005: At first we thought it was a child, perhaps three years old. But a closer look showed that the tiny, fragile bones we has just laid bare in a spacious cve onthe Indonesian island of Flores belonged to a full-grown adult just over three feet (one metre) tall.
This tiny human relative, whom we nicknamed Hobbit, lived just 18 000 years ago, at time when modern humans - people like us - were on the march around the globe.
Yet it looked more like a diminutive version of human ancestors a hundred times older, from the other end of asia. (
Homo erectus).

Photo: National Geographic April 2005

Photo: National Geographic April 2005

Photo: National Geographic April 2005

Photo: National Geographic April 2005

Photo: National Geographic April 2005