It's cold and rainy and I'm out of reading material. I need a good book to read. Any suggestions? Preferably fiction.
I need a good book to read...
by liquidsky 29 Replies latest jw friends
The Earth Children Series by Jean M. Auel
Snowflower and the Secret Fan by, I believe, Lisa See
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Silence,
I just finished reading Snowflower and the Secret Fan. Great book! I'll check out the other two. Thanks!
The first is actually a series of 5 books starting with 'The Clan of the Cave Bear'. Some people find it difficult to get through the first few chapters, but once it picks up they can't put the book down.
Have you tried Kurt Vonnegut books? Slaughter House Five, or Sirens of Titan.
The Red Tent is also a good book, though I can't recall who wrote it.
I read Clan of Cave Bear a long time ago, but never any of the other books in the series.
I remember being required to read Kurt Vonnegut's Slaugtherhouse Five in one of my literature classes.
My wife and I recently went on a trip to the mainland. 5+ hours each way on the plane. I forgot to bring something to read.
She had Obama's, The Audacity of Hope (definitely non-fiction, but an excellent read), and One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus.
I read the Jim Fergus and finished it on the return flight. Excellent story - the review is in this link.
PS – I usually do not watch movies on the plane, but thoroughly enjoyed Will Smith and his son in The Pursuit of Happyness.
Makena -
choosing life
Angels and Demons by the guy who wrote The Davinci Code. It is not religious, but rather a novel. very well written.
Liquidsky, I just love your user name. Conjures up emotion.
Anything by Nora Roberts, a very prolific writer. Fluff stuff, but good reading. Better than Danielle Steele.