Well most of it is done and ready, just popping in to check on this thread.
Any of you single guys out there keep in mind that women cannot resist a guy that can cook. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
LOL, I didn't know that, maybe if I did I would have been of a better luck, thanks for a tip ;)
Sparky, thank you for the recipe, that sounds awesome. Must try it next time. I guess we should exchange recipes sometimes then ;)
Yes baby squid are awesome I've got them lightly fried on mix of olive oil, veggie juices and some red wine, then filled them with rolls of dry prosciutto and mix of veggies. Then sprinkled it all with lemon juice and some Parmesan cheese...Just tried one , texture is awesome, you got all those different tastes blending into each other and still individually competing for your attention, kinda like fireworks lol.
hambeak, thank you for the recipe sounds great, I must try that too.
If i don't cook I don't eat.
LOL! :)
Madame Quixote, that sounds very Italian, we have similar tastes