I have always said as women we down play our intuition, when we should rely on it more. Words I should have lived by.
Several years ago I dated a guy for 2 years. He lived in the burbs and I was in the City. He owned his own business and I was new to job. I worked long hours in a legal factory of sorts. We saw each other but not every day, which was great, our relationship was good. He almost always came to be with me. Initially I thought that was great, but then I started wondering about that but since I did go to his place a few times, I thought all was fine. After 2 years of dating he decides he is going to move to AZ. I do not want to move, so that ends the relationship. The end was not the best. He continued to call, but I ignored his calls. A year passes and he returns to IL. He starts calling again and eventually I talk to him. He apologizes for some stuff that caused the conflict before he left and we start going out to dinner and eventually we start dating again. Then after 6 months he disappears. Now during the 6 months I get a strange feeling, but I can never put my finger on anything. This was around a year ago that he disappears.
So this week I hear from a friend of mine who is a teacher up in the burbs and she talks about a fund raiser and she mentions one of the big sponsors and it was this guy (again he is a business owner up in the burbs). Then she mentions his WIFE! WTF!!! I ask how long they have been married. Yup, you guessed it. That second 6 month retread, he was MARRIED! I found out from my GF his wife is a long time GF that was going to college in AZ and they waited to get married til she finished college and returned home.
Needless to say, I feel like a fool. I know that I did not intentionally date a married man, but WTF! I cannot help but kick myself for not listening to my intuition which was telling me DANGER DANGER. So take it from me women, if you have a gut feeling .... GO WITH IT cause most likely you are correct.