Thanks everyone.
I wonder if any here have done as I am doing, and going to a different aspect of theology from the bible? The gospel taught by Paul for instance, which in accord with Jesus, shows the kingdom to be a literal real future government here on Earth, with an actual visible physical return of the Messiah, at a date no man knows. The biggest trouble I had with the WT Elders was trying to convince them that they had succumbed to a false teaching about the Messiah's second advent. The Messiah himself says that "no man knows the hour" of it (Matthew 24:36) and that "It is not for you to know the times and seasons the Father has prepared" (Acts 1:6-11).
In Revelation 1:7 the Messiah says through John, "Every eye will see him" in regards to his second advent. With so many texts talking about a literal future arrival in the flesh, one cannot possibly listen to a group that is now simply misleading because of a prophecy failing. They need to confess their sin of iniquity with the real Jesus, repent, and move on by breaking the organization to pieces. Otherwise, the real Mesisah will do so, as God's regent, at his return.
These are just my free thoroughfairs and not to be considered a hindering declaration against the veracity of anyone else's understanding.
Creeper Buds