tonight I am a littel drunk and I miss him so much i can't stand it. i have been fine allweek until now tonight. becuasuse I am wathcing a good year with very manly rusel crowe and we watched it at movies together and made plans for our good life together that now we cant ever have because he doesnt love me enough to leave what i bleieve religiously alone. he said all our relationshit problems were because we were not religioukly united and god couldnt bless us but i say all our porblems were because he felt so guilty for eerything he ever did with me and coudlnt let go of what other women including hi s mother had did to him in the past. those women weren't me and I lvoed you so much. iam tired of telilng my friends and my family that i am fine and happy because i am not right now. i know I will be but I am not right now. ihate you david i hate you so much. i would have done anything for you and you get so mad at me for making mistakes and telling me I have bad irish temper when i have never said to you the things that you ahave siad to me. I am going to miss you just dont knwo why.
i hate him
by emilyblue 12 Replies latest social relationships
It just goes to show that Merlot and the Internet don't mix. You'll feel better in the morning, sweetie.
poor thing
it will be better in the am when you have had some sleep.
Oh baby...sleep well. And careful what you post ESPECIALLY when drinking (yeah like we remember that when drinking)...It gets sent to anyone by anyone that has an urge to do so for years to come. BUT you know what? We have all been there! It will be a bit better in the morning.
And hon, if he has a problem with you being religiously united, then that may be a problem for a long time to know?
Restfull sleep sweetie!
Sleep on it and get rid of the booze and have some coffee and enjoy the morning.
Have a bagel and call a friend get some brunch, go shopping, see a movie. get involved and be surrounded by friends.
Good luck
Remember you 'heard' it here first: This is what he put you through. It may just be an inebriated typo--but how utterly descriptive...and HOW apropos!!!
Feel better, Sweetie. This too will pass. And come again...and pass again...less frequently and less intensely as time goes on. Let yourself grieve tonight--no need to beat yourself up for it. [Enough of that has been done by him. He doesn't deserve to have you 'join' him in it.]
Sleep tight--no pun intended, but I'm sure you'll still laugh at it in the morning. Sleep will clear your head, Hon, in more ways than one.
Big HUGS!!!!!!
They will probably not remember this thread in the mourning
This is really embarrassing. Is there a way to delete a post? I had a pretty rough night last night, obviously. I did fine during the week, but I stayed home and felt sorry for myself all day yesterday, which was a mistake. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" and all that. At least I didn't drink enough to call him. The first thing I did this morning was to check my dialed calls history on my phone. If there's a way to delete or edit a post, I would really appreciate it if someone let me know.
This is really embarrassing. Is there a way to delete a post?
You can do that, Hon...but honestly...this board IS anonymous, and the things up there tell a story for others to see and learn from. Everything you have said up there is something that I--and I'm SURE many others!!!--have related to at one time or another in this process.... I'm not saying leave it up or take it down...but sometimes it really does help other people to know that they are not the only ones who go through this stuff...and it helps them stay strong, too.
Do what you feel you need to, Hon. You have plenty of love and support here either way.
If you're determined to delete it, you could ask for help with that on the tech support category of this site. I don't know the process, or I'd tell you. Hope you're feeling better today.