Putting The Kingdom First.....

by Sunspot 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    As a follow-up to my previous post about the "Kingdom", I compiled a number of quotations from some books I own. I placed the file at http://au.geocities.com/doug_mason1940/An_unsorted_collection_of_resources_on_the_Kingdom.pdf

    It shows that there are many people who study and think deeply on the subject of the Kingdom, despite the WTS's rhetoric.

    The WTS has a very narrow and biased understanding, aimed at arriving at its predetermined conclusion. In the process, its repeated statement that "kingdom" means "government" (with the intended outcome of referring to itself) means that whenever a JW sees "Kingdom" they read "Government". See http://au.geocities.com/doug_mason1940/mind_processing_kingdom.jpg


  • donnalee

    "What I find really creepy is that all JW's seem to use exactly the same jargon regardless what part of the country they're in. It's like they're programmed. (put in a room with headphones and brainwash them-this is what you'll think-this is what you'll say-don't understand-it's not for you to understand) "

    this is so true. my jw b/f started using certain words w/me and when i went to some mtgs, i noticed that his werods were THEIR words! this is not only creepy,but scary......scary for those of us who have been touched in any way by the organization.

  • Liza

    This is what frightens me most about JWs(yeah I decided not to be baptized afterall)

    When I was at an Assembly last month, even the songs they sing have phrases like, "train our thinking", "us sheep like ones", and "shield our thoughts". Then there was a talk on "Jehovah's thinking is far superior than man's thinking!".

    With what I know now, I could have quipped, "You mean a doomdayist, for profit, bible misquoting, ignorant, Orwellian, male dominated, organization in New York with origins in occult and the Millerites?"

  • UnConfused

    Sunspot - "twist and shout without music" made me laugh out loud.

    and you made the point clear. Take a valid biblical missive and twist it so that folks attempting to be loyal are deflected and give their loyalty to men.

    Good call Sunspot

  • sass_my_frass

    What men will do for power and control over others...

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