It seems to me that a repeating pattern with JW's is unfolding yet again. I wonder if anybody else can "see" the same thing, or am I just imaginiing things?
Here's the scenario:
Appointments to the JW governing body seem to come in waves. There was a wave in the mid 70's and there was a wave just a few years ago.
Members of the JW governing body are about the only ones that are free to speculate on and affect doctrine. But at the time of their appointment, they are all hard-line, robotic, vote-for-their-own-lynching company men. So immeidately following a wave of new appointments to the GB, the JW organization toughens up on many of their wackier and factually untenable teachings. --The things these new GB members grew up believing. These include, but are not limited to:
- Earthquakes increased during the 20th century.
- The Spanish influenza was the worst epidemic in history
- The Great War of 1914-18 was the bloodiest conflict up to that point in Man's history
- All animals were originally vegetarians
- The Bible explicitly forbids transfusion medicine
- Life has existed on Earth for less than 50,000 years
But as time goes on and these these men have time to actually think (At least slightly) the JW organization doesn't actually reverse itself, but at least backs off from openly teaching these things.
We've seen it with blood. Just a few years ago, the JW organization seemed poised on adopting the more subtle argument advanced by Greg Stafford and others. Now they are back to the brain-dead "Abstain from blood" mantra. (Sorry to keep harping on this.)
We've seen it with earthquakes. They are once again insisting that things got much worse after 1914.
This goes on for 20 - 30 years or so until there is a new wave of appointments -- ad infinitum