Is there's a typical Evangelical organization? Watched them lst night. Had to watch. RAPTURE, RAPTURE, RAPTURE any second!!! No pets allowed.
What do we all think about Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella
by Sasha 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
knock knock
I saw just a moment of them last night but have seen them before. Creepy to me. And say their names using your best vampire voice - it fits so well.
Yah I've seen the show a couple of times and he does want to sell books and various pendants or what have ya. Rapture is a big thing as well as the european union giving birth to the anti christ. NOT INTERESTED..........
I'm telling you this RAPTURE thing freaks me out big time. Dead people floating kind of sideways up to heaven with the living (only those who believe in Christ). I just think of my poor pets! Plus being in the truth for so long (NOT NOW) I really was into the Paradise Earth thing....
I watch them when I can, for laughs. I get kick out of Rexella nodding her head when hubby says something she likes. His rapid fire quoting of the bible is supposed to seal the deal for the audience, I guess. He can't say two sentences without an appropriate quote from the bible .................... Another one I watch for kicks is Shepherd's Chapel with Dr. Arnold Murray - he is anti-rapture. Recently he claimed that the reason the Antarctic ice shelf is breaking up is not because of global warming (which he claims isn't happening) but because the glaciers are GROWING and when they get to the water's edge they have nowhere else to go so they drop off into the ocean. Sheesh. His sons fill in for him occassionally and they are equally stupid.
You wanna see some real insanity , tune into Benny Hinn sometime . Now that guy is ceritfiable and so are his followers with that tapping on the forhead and falling over BS . phony bologny . I know somebody in the audience has some pain somewhere , you know who you are blah blah blah , funny how he doesn't know who they are ................
One more human determined to 'figure it all out' and deluded into thinking he has. Self hypnosis is a wonderful thing.
Wikipedia has a good write up about him. He is a infomercial preacher and says he gets great ratings by going on channels in the middle of the night. He almost died a couple of years ago due to cancer complications.
The name Rexella bugs me for some reason.
Jack grins and smugly cites scripture verses (often without reading them) as if he has just proven some point. This gives me flashbacks to some of the self-assured Watchtower Society speakers. Ick.