ROTFLMAO!! Cracked me up!
More, more!!
When their site gets updated next then sure
I laughed!
if you got to laugh at the Society for a second or two, then its all worth it
by KW13 13 Replies latest jw friends
ROTFLMAO!! Cracked me up!
More, more!!
When their site gets updated next then sure
I laughed!
if you got to laugh at the Society for a second or two, then its all worth it
It was a great laugh, next to that worm where you put WTF you could have added something like "the FDS worm that can eat away your heart what is it and how can it be combatted?"
It was a great laugh, next to that worm where you put WTF you could have added something like "the FDS worm that can eat away your heart what is it and how can it be combatted?"
your right, twas a wasted opportunity
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