BC parents back in court

by Stealth453 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mouthy

    Uzzah????? Was you laughing at the story or the fact I am going to get badder.

  • Uzzah

    Mouthy: Both actually. You are getting badder (better) every day. I was also laughing at the blatant arrogance of Mark Ruge in the article.

    Nailed him and the Society hard!

  • mouthy

    Nailed him and the Society hard!

    That was GREAT

  • sf
    Three are now at home

    A sure death sentence. Inevitably.


  • Scully
    Born 4 months premature, and that retard lawyer wants to know why the infants were given blood transfusions... Good to see the University of Awake still going strong.

    Well thank goodness he's a lawyer and not a physician. Although I hear he still wows the Mrs on Sunday morning with his poppin' fresh cinnamon buns.

  • Nosferatu
    The WTS must make a huge dent in all the Voluntary Donations™ they receive toward the Worldwide Work™

    How is that? I believe Brady and Howe work for free. The only thing I could see costing the WTS money is their schooling.

  • Scully

    How is that? I believe Brady and Howe work for free. The only thing I could see costing the WTS money is their schooling.

    You need to have money to bring a matter to the courts. Just filing the papers to initiate a lawsuit can cost hundreds of dollars. If the lawsuit actually makes it to court, then court fees are added on top of that. If it goes to appeal, then there are more fees involved. If it goes to the Supreme Court there are even more fees involved. For every motion that is filed that is not included in the original court documents there are fees payable. It's not for the average Joe.

  • Vice

    Something I will never understand is how a blood transfusion is the same as ingesting blood. If you ingest blood, your body will chemically convert the blood into energy. When you get a blood transfusion, the blood stays blood and your body uses it as a vehicle to deliver oxygen to the body. Two totally different things! They didn't have blood transfusions in the OT! It is different!

  • Mary
    The Ontario-based director of public information for the Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Bible Society, Mark Ruge said "that while the Bible obviously says nothing about high-tech fertility treatments -- a form of which was likely used to produce the sextuplets -- it is clear on blood transfusions. The Bible doesn't comment on that subject at all and in Bible times there was no such technology," Witness spokesperson Mark Ruge told the Canadian Press in January. "On matters other than what's stipulated in the Bible, it's up to a person's conscience or their free choice."

    So the bible is clear on blood transfusions eh? Can Brother Ruge please give us a scripture that says "You must not take a blood transfusion, nor your sons nor your daughters, even if it means they'll die." It amazes me how the idiots working in the PR dept. at Bethel have not a clue how to contain bad publicity. The statement above clearly says that on matters where there was 'no technology' in bible times, it's left up to a person's conscience. Yet anyone over the age of 5 knows that blood transfusions are administered by: guess what? Modern day technology! They must think the rest of the reading public are a guilible as the 6 million drones within the Borg itself.

    "As Jehovah's Witnesses," said the father, "we believe that to have aborted any of our sextuplets would be a profound disregard for life and violation of God's law."

    But letting your babies die needlessly-----that's not a "profound disregard for life" at all right? What an idiot. And I'd love to know why the names of the parents are being kept from the public. Surely if they're really doing God's will they shouldn't be afraid of one of Satan's minions should they?

  • yaddayadda

    This makes me sick. This is the kind of news that tempts me to dissasociate myself.

    What a reproach on Jehovah, whose name they have degraded to being similar to the ancient pagan Gods that babies were sacrificed too! (Jeremiah 7:31)

    Shame on the Governing Body and their morbid, loveless, fanatical, pharasaical policies and interpretations, their ruthless brainwashing, and their slimey lawyers. Defending their precious legal 'rights' is more important to the Watchtower Society than saving babies and families.

    To the Governing Body: "Go, then, and learn what this means, 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice.'" (Matt 7:13)

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