Has anyone here listened to any judicial committee meetings and been very disappointed?
judicial meetings...
by Tuesday 11 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't listened to any but my son was told to be at one. He said they were going to DF him for Apostasy. He ask told them elders were supposed to come over and discuss 1914 with him but they never showed up. He also told them, "there are four of you, surely one of you can show me were I am wrong." They told him 'no, you have done too much research." They told him to leave and come back in 30 minutes and they would tell him their decision. Of course they got rid of him. I left the cult about 3 months later.
surely one of you can show me were I am wrong." They told him 'no, you have done too much research."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... OMG! Only these morons can say something this moronic and think it actually makes sense. What flaming idiots.
"No, you have done too much research." = "no, you have pulled back the curtain and see that there really is no wizard. We can no longer lie to you, so, be gone!"
see if I could hear something like that in a Judicial Committee meeting that was taped I wouldn't be disappointed. I could listen to that all day, all the ones I listen to are kind of odd.
They told him 'no, you have done too much research.
Now that's mature. Immagine an accountant getting fired from his job because he had the audacity to find an error in the books.
I remember in a previous thread, how AuldSoul wrote about how he (before leaving the org) wrote a letter to the Society inquiring about the UN NGO scandal. When they wrote him back, they actually blamed him for discovering this information; suggesting that only those with a fault-finding attitude would be privy to such information. Not long after that, he sent them a DA love letter.
"only those with a fault-finding attitude would be privy to such information"
in a skewed logic sort of way, that makes sense. They just make it sound like a bad thing when it isn't. It isn't fault-finding, it's doubt looking for truth.
Amen Hortensia.
What strikes me funny is that the elders in my cong KNOW I don't believe the 1914 date and other things as well but so far no judicial committee.
choosing life
Listened to four judicial committees and never was encouaged. It is all about power and appearances. Who you know or are related to may help too.
They certainly don't want to really help a suffering soul. Make an example out of, ridicule, look down upon you-these are prime considerations. I am especially outraged at how they treat teenagers. They feel they can do anything to them.
Never again though. I would not choose to participate.
When I was an Elder, I sat on a few JCs. Also, I was on the hot seat a couple of times, but did not get DF'd. I posted my "Justice" series here on JWD which dealt with JCs. Some I was on the JC and others, I was aware of because I had the JW file and read the records. In all cases they are disappointing because they are not really about confession and repentance, but about the Elders prosecuting an accused.
Jim Whitney
I think it's the knock out factor. I'm always up for hearing someone stand up to the elders, but the ones that I've listened to both sides are twisting sides. The last one I listened to, the accused was a total nutjob and one of the elders was plain nasty. I'm looking for one where the person stands up to the elders but gets that knock out punch, the thing they can't answer. It sounds like the 1914 thing sounded great and I would've paid to listen to that. Some of the transcripts are alright, the one with James Caputo is pretty interesting, but in general the ones you can listen to are pretty disappointing.