Why I am not a Muslim

by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • funkyderek


    Yea, why not. Islam means Peace. Who wouldn't want to join a religion of Peace.

    No, Islam means submission. It requires complete obedience to the will of Allah as written in the Quran. The Quran is not a book of peace but is a backward book that promotes violence and barbarism. The Muslims who flew hijacked aeroplanes into the World Trade Center, the Muslim who shot Theo Van Gogh eight times, the Muslims who attacked Danish embassies were not anomalies. They were loyal Muslims doing what their religion requires them to do.

  • greendawn

    When talking about division in the family Jesus didn't mean that his followers were meant to inflame and provoke their families into conflict but rather that their families through some sort of queer whim would initiate a conflict by not tolerating the peaceful and spiritual life of their Christian relative. In that case the Christian should uphold his values no matter how much that infuriates his relatives. So it's not initiating but rather suffering an unjustified division, one can't say I will deny Christ to please you.

    As for judgement by God that will happen not as the dubs claim in a quick and superficial manner but after a long process of enlightment of mankind. It is still far into the future.

    Derek well said, they can talk about Islam being a religion of peace and love!

  • stillajwexelder

    Buddhism -now they seem to be peaceful

  • poppers

    During the VietNam war Buddhist monks showed their opposition to their government not by killing others but by killing themselves without injuring anyone else. They would sit in meditation, pour gasoline over themselves and then ignite it. It made for very compelling TV news across America............. a famous image and story of an incident in 1963 http://www.geocities.com/tcartz/sacrifice.htm

  • stillajwexelder

    So..........why arent you? Would not be allowed to drink alcohol

  • Zico

    Not necessarily stilla: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/01/21/wburma21.xml

    It seems to me that all religions can have bad members, and can be misused by it's leaders.

  • yesidid

    This could be one reason:

    Bible-reading Muslim 'raped as punishment'


  • Mary
    Why I am not a Muslim

    Um, because their entire culture and religion is screwed? I took a course on "Introduction to Western Religion" a couple of years ago, which was an introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. One of the Muslim students (the first day of class) started in on one of the Jewish students about Israel, the Six Day War etc. until the teacher told him to "knock it off or get out." The teacher certainly did not try to hide violence in the Judaism or Christianity part of the course and we all sat there and took notes---no problem as we know full well that there has been plenty of violence in both religions. The second he started talking about violence in Islam, this same student and two of his friends started shouting at all of us that "Islam is a religion of peace!" and "we don't hate Jews or Christians----just the Infidel!!"

    When the teacher calmly pointed out that Christians and Jews are most definitely considered infidels by Islamic standards, the student went beszerk calling the teacher a "liar!" and a "hater of Islam!" He wouldn't shut up so he was kicked out of class and immediately went to the Dean's Office telling him this Professor was "guilty of hate crimes against Muslims". Stupid little shit.

  • barry

    I dont feel one incident is enough to judge a whole world wde religion but here in Australia a week doesnt go by without some sick problem in the Muslim religion. I was going to put on this post about the Muslim women being raped for reading the Bible but then its already posted here. Doesnt matter Ill just tell you about a sheik from Sydney made a series called the 'Death series' . As mentioned in this weeks newspaper he promotes Jihad and the killing of non Muslims and he also referres to Jews as pigs.

    My message to these sick people is to STOP THE HATE

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Whilst Islam is certainly a religion that was established through conquest and violence, so was early Christianity. Christianity was spread by the Roman army through conquest and butchery just as much as Islam so to point the finger is a little disingenuous.

    The difference now is that Islam is a religion which spreads through poverty. It is a religion which is uncompromising and is taught for a large part by intolerant men who breed further intolerance by pointing to the economic injustices of the world and blaming them on Christians exploiting Muslims. Poor middle eastern countries where people are poorly educated and living on the breadline are fertile ground for religious extremists because it gives them social cohesion and someone to blame for their woes.

    The worlds ills are down to greed, not religion.

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