.....should be given a lesson in real life.
This Ba$tard Brady......
by Stealth453 19 Replies latest jw friends
The guy's an asshole of the first order and his continued demands that the Witnesses' Rights were violated is evidence of his delusional thinking. No one in their right mind is going to place the Rights of a religion before the lives of helpless babies and Mr. Brady's insistence on keeping this case in the forefront is doing nothing but shining more bad light on the Organization and it's screwed up policies. Let the idiot rant on-----he's actually doing alot in helping expose the WTS as a cult. If he fails to convince the judge that it's preferable to let babies die rather than disobey the feeble-minded Governing Body, then perhaps he should go back to baking bread in the Bethel kitchens. Although from what I understand, his skills in the kitchen were as bad as his skills in the courtroom.
The Org must be supporting this guy. I wonder why they haven't told him to shut up due to the bad publicity?
You might have noted from the articles that John Burns was in attendance. John was Glen How's prodigy. He was the Bethel Supervisor of the legal department for quite a few years until Don Kirkland took over (not a lawyer just long time elder). He has been busy in Eastern Europe and thus Brady was taking on most of teh domestic stuff.
The fact John was there (who has a much sharper legal mind than Brady) was either for damage control or indicates the WTBS is gonna go full tilt on this one. I kinda hope its the latter because they will never win this one in the court of public opinion!
I agree that the more adamantly they fight these things, the worse the publicity gets.
Perhaps if Burns was in the background, it suggests that this is just going thru the motions with little
hope of victory. On the job training for Brady.
This sort of thing may be exactly what we want, in that it exposes the Watchtower on two issues:
the involuntary refusal of blood and the use of disfellowshipping to maintain authoritarian control.
Looks like win- win ---- for us.
The fact John was there (who has a much sharper legal mind than Brady) was either for damage control or indicates the WTBS is gonna go full tilt on this one.
Thanks for providing this info. Lets us know that things could very well get bigger. Taking the government to court is just a stupid idea regardless of whether Jehovah is backing your ass or not.
Taking the government to court is just a stupid idea regardless of whether Jehovah is backing your ass or not.
I wonder what the WT article is going to look like when the Courts decide again that the children's right to life trumps the parents freedom of worship.
Mr. Brady, dinner is served... I hope you like your crow undercooked and maggot infested, just like your ethics are.
"Let the idiot rant on-----he's actually doing alot in helping expose the WTS as a cult."
Agreed. I'm actually amazed at what an idiot this guy is. The WTS usually picks slicker lawyers than this. He seems oblivious to the bad press the JWs are getting from this fiasco and this will certainly blow up in their faces with continued media exposure.
Having read many of the discussion pages linked to Canadian papers carrying the story, I would say % 99 of the public opinion is complete disgust towards the Borganization AND the dim-witted, brainwashed JW parents willing to make a media circus out of their childrens lives for the sake of a publishing corporation.
Agreed. I'm actually amazed at what an idiot this guy is. The WTS usually picks slicker lawyers than this. He seems oblivious to the bad press the JWs are getting from this fiasco and this will certainly blow up in their faces with continued media exposure.
Given this situation, and the poorly-thought out theological revisions (rescinding the 1935 date for the "last of the new selections for anointeds", e.g.), this begs the question:
Are these guys really that stupid? Or are they somehow convinced that Jehovah is really backing them, and they cannot lose? Are they believing their own hype about "no weapon formed against you will succeed"?
Weren't various tribes of American Indians involved in "Ghost Dancing" in the late 1800's, convinced that they no longer had to fight the white man for territory, that the spirits would come to their rescue? I wonder if we are seeing the beginning of a "Ghost Dance" phase for the Society, as they blithely close their eyes and continue doing what they've always done, hoping for a last-minute rescue from the great Jehovah.