Did Being In The Organization Produce Anything Good?

by The wanderer 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedpoet

    I met Linda through being a jw.

    Apart from that, nothing at all

  • Finally-Free

    Before I was a JW I was the ultimate slob. Then I joined the JWs and got into the cleaning business. I'm still a slob, but at least I know how to clean up my messes quickly and efficiently.


  • JH

    It soured my relationship with God.

    It distanced me away from my family.

    It stole many years of my life, cause I was told to stay idle.

  • BluesBrother

    If one forgets the sheer waste of untold hours spent sitting at meetings and knocking the doors of innocent victims on Saturday and Sunday mornings , and the total wrong direction that my life has gone.... I did pick up along the way..

    A love of reading and the ability to do so aloud before others, an interest in history and knowledge of The Bible and religion . it helped turn the tongue tied adolescent into a thinking and more articulate man. I met and worked with some great people , and a few jerks! but that's life..

    Was it worth the cost? No,... there are other ways of developing as a person.

  • Hortensia

    about the only thing I use is the training in public speaking. It is pretty pathetic training, but at least we were made to get up in front of everyone and talk about something. so in spite of being quite shy I am able to do public speaking. We got to get out of town several times a year - for a really poor family those trips to the conventions were our only vacation. Can't think of much else...

  • Arthur

    1) I had racially diverse friendships

    2) I was raised with good manners, decency, and respect for others

    3) I avoided drugs and smoking

    4) I found out where all of the good donut shops were

  • Junction-Guy

    Nothing good can be attributed to my upbringing as a JW, it nearly destroyed me.

    My brother does credit the JW's for his public speaking skills, but there are other organization such as Toastmasters that can do the same.

    What few positives that some may gain from the JW's, isnt worth the misery that it causes.

  • TheCoolerKing

    I give the JWs credit for helping me get an "A" in my public speaking class in college.

    Let me think...hmmm...yup, thats about it...

  • zack

    The belief in an imminent destruction of all social, economic, and governmental systems led to the destruction of our family. Grandparents and parents were

    extreme in their views of whatever the Wt said. No. I did not pick up anything good. The foundation of most of my life was a lie. It was built on neither rock or sand but a muddy mire

    that sucked your heart and your hope from you.

  • Gayle

    I believe the good we achieved while within the organization, was in spite of the organization not because of the organization. Good speaker? - that is your nature or could have learned elsewhere,,got off cigarettes? - most people outside have quit smoking along the way in their lives,,found a good marriage mate there? - outside of the organization others have had at least those odds , learned some good job techniques? (with discipline, etc), people outside learned that too but with better education assisting. Basically, you accomplished what "you" wanted to accomplish as an individual that was possible and I think to "your" credit only, not the organization program at all.

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