DRIVES ME NUTS!! MUST be the angels. COULDN'T be coincidence per WT.

by Open mind 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks to the last three paragraphs of this week's WT being devoted to complete insanity, I passed a tiny, tiny, little mile-stone in fading.

    I didn't comment ONCE during the WT!!

    I usually try to make one comment that doesn't make my stomach turn too much to keep up my good, active-dub appearances. But this week, we were already to the wackiness of paragraphs 16-18 and it was too late. HOORAY for me!!

    Here the WT doozy that I just couldn't stomach:

    Proof of angelic help has often been related in Bible literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses.* (References were cited) Such experiences are far too numerous to be dismissed as coincidence.

    Blondie's comments made reference to a pedophile that the "angels" took no action on for 17 yrs. Good one Blondie.

    Here's what gets me. Of course it's not coincidence. It's a freakin' statistical certainty!!! With approx 2.7 million hours of door-knocking per day going on worldwide, the dubs are absolutely going to regularly interrupt suicide attempts or call right after someone prayed to God for guidance. I don't dismiss it as "coincidence". I dismiss it as INEVITABLE. No angels required. Thank-you very much. (Ok, getting down off rant-box now.)

    Anybody have any experience or suggestions on how to bring up this point with believing dub family without my apostate horns showing?

    Open Mind

  • Atlantis

    Spirit Mediums claim to have angels guarding and directing their work also! Guardian Angels Spirit Mediums Nevada-

  • TopHat

    Many religions tell stories of Angels guiding their way or helping out and preforming unexpected miracles... JWs are NOT unigue in that category.

  • DJK

    The WTBST would never allow their sheep to believe in the laws of probability. The sheep might start contributing to casinos instead of the borg.

  • greendawn

    Why would God's angels want to bring people into a cultic organisation? It doesn't make sense unless the angels guiding them are demonic angels but the dubs who think of the WTS as holy will automatically think they are being guided by God's angels.

  • heathen

    Yah it's pretty clear that the WTBTS itself is guided by a dysfunctional angel . LOL

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Tophat said:

    Many religions tell stories of Angels guiding their way

    You're right Tophat. I guess what gets my goat is that, being a 3rd gen dubber, the "reasonable Watchtower approach" that I've been spoon fed all these years is to respond to anyone who insists that the angels did this, that or the other is to say, "Yes, Brother God's-Purpose-Hinges-Solely-On-You, PERHAPS that was indeed angellic direction. But we can't say for sure can we?". Now they're saying it's for sure because "Such experiences are far too numerous to be dismissed as coincidence. "

    I call BULLFEATHERS. Big, fluffy, BULLFEATHERS. (Please pardon my strong language)

    Open (but not so open to angels behind every cloud) Mind

  • Seeker4

    Yes, this always disturbed me. The angels would bring some whacked out weirdo into the congregation, answering the weirdo's prayer, but somehow, in that same congregation, the angels allowed my 5 year old son to be sexually abused by his older cousin for years without getting him some help.

    Angels guiding the work, indeed!

    And it is true - ALL religions, Chrisitan or not, have exactly the same sort of stories. it's just a matter of averages, and nothing special. When I picked up a evangelical magazine years ago, and read a bunch of experiences that exactly matched these referred to by the WT mag, I knew it was ALL bullshit.

    These are a couple of really basic logical fallacies that JWs thrive on:

    First, starting with the desired conclusion (JWs are directed by angels) then constructing an argument to support that (someone prayed and a JW knocked on the door the next day, therefore we must be directed by angels).

    Second, the famous JW non-sequitur argument (ie: the "it doesn't follow" logic). The worst of these in my mind is why JWs don't celebrate b'days. In this case, the illogical reasoning is, people pray to learn the truth, and a JW soon after knocks on the door, therefore the JW must be directed to the person by an angel. It completely overlooks the fact that this will happen to every religion due to probability. as you said. JWs are always using the there is A, and there is B, so therefore we can quantum leap to a Z answer. It doesn't necessarily follow that A+B=Z.

    This is also a post-hoc ergo propter hoc argument. Literally "after this, therefore because of this." That is, the person prayed for help, a JW showed up at the door, therefore the JW showed up at the door BECAUSE the person prayed. That's a huge logical fallacy.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Greendawn & Heathen:

    Yah it's pretty clear that the WTBTS itself is guided by a dysfunctional angel .

    I fear that I am just one of many demon-directed swine heading for the precipice. Hope I can get myself & a few other piggies out before it's too late. ( Figuratively speaking of course. I don't currently buy into the whole angel thing. Good ones or bad ones. )

    Thanks Seeker 4:

    One of these days maybe I'll see my way clear to take a class on logic. I'm sure it would help my posting abilities.

    "post-hoc ergo propter hoc" sounds a lot more astute than "BULLFEATHERS".

    Open Mind

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Well, was it because of angeilc direction that while pioneering the only people who I talked to were old men who knew more about the Watchtower than I did? Was Jehovah trying to lead me out of his orginasation by sending me to the homes of "wicked apostates"? Or maybe the angels took the day off when I went out in service and failed to protect me?

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