Thanks to the last three paragraphs of this week's WT being devoted to complete insanity, I passed a tiny, tiny, little mile-stone in fading.
I didn't comment ONCE during the WT!!
I usually try to make one comment that doesn't make my stomach turn too much to keep up my good, active-dub appearances. But this week, we were already to the wackiness of paragraphs 16-18 and it was too late. HOORAY for me!!
Here the WT doozy that I just couldn't stomach:
Proof of angelic help has often been related in Bible literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses.* (References were cited) Such experiences are far too numerous to be dismissed as coincidence.
Blondie's comments made reference to a pedophile that the "angels" took no action on for 17 yrs. Good one Blondie.
Here's what gets me. Of course it's not coincidence. It's a freakin' statistical certainty!!! With approx 2.7 million hours of door-knocking per day going on worldwide, the dubs are absolutely going to regularly interrupt suicide attempts or call right after someone prayed to God for guidance. I don't dismiss it as "coincidence". I dismiss it as INEVITABLE. No angels required. Thank-you very much. (Ok, getting down off rant-box now.)
Anybody have any experience or suggestions on how to bring up this point with believing dub family without my apostate horns showing?
Open Mind