E-Watchman's take on the Special Talk - interesting

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    The special talk amounted to splashing another coat of whitewash on their organizational wall, and thereby ensuring that its inevitable crash will be all the greater when Jehovah unleashes his “flooding downpour” and “blast of windstorms” against it.

    He does the same thing the WT does, namely proclaiming, Jehovah is going to destroy all those that don't beleive the same way I do. Jehovah will huff and puff and blow your house down. Boy this God of love sure has it in for everyone doesn't he.

    Jehovah is going to kill all those that don't beleive, or that have something wrong with thier theology, what a petty god he is, invented by men who use him to kill, maime, and cause all sorts of calamity to those that offended them in some way.


    Moshe..All he mentioned was demons on his shoulder talking to him.He was one crazy dude.....Every year he would predict the collapse of the world economy.Evey year he was wrong..One year he bet the board $100.00 the economy would collapse that year.He lost..And..Wouldn`t pay up..I figured he owed Simon $100.00..It would help Simon with the cost of running this place..So,I went after him for it..He wouldn`t pay up or admit he was wrong..A decietfull whelcher right till the end...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I first visited this site, lurking, I thought "WOW, there is so much happening in the anti-JW world
    that I was oblivious to." I was overjoyed that someone was analyzing the steps that WTS was taking
    to preserve themselves or control people. I actually started to think that with all the things WTS is up to,
    there was hope that more people would wake up.

    As time went on, I realized that the JWD looks for the doctrinal statements and the rank and file don't
    look for them. To the rank and file, the doctrinal changes are such babysteps that they don't follow their
    importance. Or the rank and file, in general, didn't understand old light, so new light is not really any
    different to them.

    MY POINT- special campaigns turned out to be nothing special. New outline for the memorial turned
    out to be nothing new. So I fully expected the latest special talk to be nothing special. I was upset that
    they used old light data on earthquakes to make the rank and file think they are right. When challenged
    on it, they can say the speaker said it wrong, he was supposed to READ the exact quote (which can't
    be proven wrong- it just is wrong).

    I am not going to lose any sleep if I miss the next SPECIAL NEW LIGHT, or don't read the latest book or
    don't hear this year's CO's speech about how the worldwide work is going so well that we need more of
    your money to expand it.

  • greendawn

    The owner of that site is an ex JW who believes that the JW doctrine and objectives are basically correct but the leadership is rotten and useless. As he says: "This year’s special talk has made it abundantly clear that the leadership of the Watchtower Society is spiritually moribund."

    But the 20th century was clearly one of the best in human history despite all its problems, with great progress made in science, human culture, and democratic government at least in the western world. The dubs want it to look bad so as to make the end appear near at hand, that's all.

  • Carmel

    Actually the choice was between the Titanic and the "lesser vessel" the Cedric. One made it to New York while the other didn't! carmel

  • buffalosrfree

    Special my rectum, nothing speical at all in that talk the same ole same ole and nothing new under the sun. Did ask speaker how the violent crime stats show that it is on the rise as per his talk and yet its reported that violent crime statistics show that it is on the decline in several major cities and probably us wide at that. He stuttered again, also asked about the earthquake nonsense as to how anyone would know how devastating an earthquake was over 2000 years ago. In fact they aren't on the rise, again stuttering and trying to come up with something. These idiots just don't get it do they.

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