WTF?! Yoga according to the WBTS is not acceptable?

by sinis 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sinis

    Jesus Christ, hey don't exercise as its DEMONIC... its ok to be a fat bastard...

  • Chameleon

    I don't find it surprising.

  • Arthur

    This is old news. I remember seeing an article on Yoga as far back as six years ago; although I'm not sure which year it was. I remember I had just bought a Yoga-fit book and was utilizing it with good results when the article came out. I dutifully threw the book away and quit Yoga.

    This is just one more entry into the vast and ever expanding Watchtower Talmud.

  • TopHat

    I like Yoga....I don't worship is very good for sore muscles.

  • found-my-way

    Of course they pretty much said yoga was a no-no.

    Anything that could possibly be enjoyable, healthful and beneficial but which takes time away from being brainwashed is going to get shit-listed by the Borg.

  • nvrgnbk

    What the black unicorn said.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    That's right. Not even just copying the stretches without giving any thought to the deeper things of Satan yoga.

    Go out in service more. That'll help your back.

    Open Mind

  • sinis

    Got to love this scene:

    Many enjoy healthy activities that do
    not involve exposure to spiritism

    Yea right!!! Next article will talk about a competitive spirit and speak ill of soccer, and like games. Or how bodily training is beneficial for a little. So with that in mind those old farts need to get their asses back in the KH so that they can improve on their field service time!!

  • Anti-Christ

    Oh man!!! I had an argument with my dad about this. He found out that I like "yoga" ( I use yoga based streches) he got mad and I said "I don't let the WT think for me anymore"Boy he is going to flip out when he finds out that I won a silver metal at karate.

  • juni
    Particularly since the 1960's, the decade of hippies and flower children, has interest in Eastern religions and their mystic practices spread throughout the West

    Yeppers. Those damn hippies and flower children! Got to blame someone!

    I was baptized in 1971 and as far back as I remember the practicing of yoga was off limits.

    In the "FORBIDDEN" directives for JWs the worst case scenarios are always presented as the reason why we must stay away from it. Makes me

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