brother apostate
Well, as an arch user of bad stats, being wrong is what you'd know about, but in this case you are right as I muddled father and son.
Pity you'll never admit to the distortion of facts those stats you posted make. I wonder what form of high five you'll give yourself in your signature this time?
Your attempt to mirror the phrasing of the 2nd Ammendement with another topic fails as you fail to take into accuont the persistent connection bewteen millitas and the second ammendment. A better example would be;
"A well-educated electorate being necessary to the preservation of a free society, the right of the people to access books in a public library without charge shall not be infringed."
This states a goal (education and a free society) and gies a means (free public libraries), but does not mean peope should have all books for free, just as the 2nd ammendment gives a goal (security of the state) and gves a means (milita and access to arms), but does not mean people whould have free access to arms.
I'm glad your humour is similar to mine in some respects :-)
Which begs the question. What is the point to fighting a depot, if he has regulated your miltia against any possiblity of doing it ?
No, I find why Americans need guns to overthrow tyrants when Eastern Europe did it without a far more interesting question, but no takers yet.
No one is going to give me examples of when gun-owners HAVE actually 'protected freedoms' by using guns against the government... so 30,000 die a year as a result of a freedom that no one has used, nor is ever likely to. Not very pragmatic is it? Oh, there was Waco, but he was a Whako...
Still no one interested in actually discussing the root cause of American violence?
Still no one going to accept IF there was a majority of Americans in favour of reform of gun control, the 2nd Amendment could be struck down if the politicians acted in line with itheir constituent's desires?
No one gonna talk about the lingusitic differentiation between 'the People' and terms refering to individuals?
Don't worry, it's human nature to avoid the topics that show up how weak one's argument is... ;-)
And as far as I knew pool were not designed with the primary purpose of killing, so your apples and elephnats comparison lets you down.