1995 The Year That Saw A Turning Point
During the 1980s, the thought that “this generation will not pass until all
of these events occur” was the Watchtower’s theme. The countdown
was on and the generation that saw, the events of 1914 would not pass.
It Happened In 1995
Then in 1995, two strange events occurred. First, smack-dab
on the cover of the Watchtower, there was the United Nations
building. “What in the world” I said as I turned to my best friend
“is the Society doing?”
“I don’t know was his reply.” “Maybe, the Society is seeing how the
Bible events are tying into the U.N.?” I was appeased but not fully
satisfied with this answer.
Then the generation change, which brought us “new light” on Bible
prophecy, which more or less told us what we previously believed
as the “truth” about the end was now changing forever.
Was there a year or events of a year that saw your turning point?
The Wanderer