Maybe we could assist you ???
Here's what the Watchtower Library turns up on the subject
*** km 10/06 p. 4 Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 2007 ***
No. 4: Armageddon—No Violation of God’s Love (rs p. 48 ¶1-3)
Sounds like you can lift heavily from the recent talk "How Can You Survive Jehovah's Day of Fury ?" !
willhappentoyoungchildrenatArmageddon?The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges. However, the Bible does show that God views the young children of true Christians as "holy." (1 Cor. 7:14) It also reveals that in times past when God destroyed the wicked he likewise destroyed their little ones. (Num. 16:27, 32; Ezek. 9:6) God does not want anyone to be destroyed, so he is having a warning sounded now to benefit both parents and children. Would it not be wise for parents to pursue a course that would result in their children being looked on with favor by God both now and at Armageddon?
theloveofGodviolatedbydestructionofthewicked?2 Pet. 3:9: "Jehovah . . . is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."
Luke 18:7, 8: "Shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them? I tell you, He will cause justice to be done to them speedily."
2 Thess. 1:6: "It is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you [his servants]."
Will you be wearing those pink ears when you give the talk ?