A few questions for the Brits

by sir82 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Hi there,

    I saw the movie "The Queen" a few days ago, and was wondering how accurate the portrayals were of some of the things in the movie, such as:

    -- In at least one scene, Tony Blair is shown in the back seat of a car being driven down a highway, with his secretary at his side. It appears that there is normal, regular traffic going down the road along with him. Here in the US, whenver the President has to travel on a regular road, the Secret Service shuts down all traffic, coming and going, so that his entourage are the only ones on the road (it really disrupts life for a long time for those living nearby)

    Does the Prime Minister really just mix in with regular traffic when he is driven someplace?

    -- In the scenes in 10 Downing Street with the Blair family, it looks like just a typical family in a typical house - family sitting down to breakfast, mom pouring the orange juice, etc.

    Are the "off hours" for the Prime Minister & his family really so cozy - lots of privacy, no servants scurrying about, no security personnel nearby?

    -- In the ceremony where the queen asks the newly elected Tony Blair to run her government, it is a private moment - just the 2 of them. If there were something like that done in the US, I imagine there would be hundreds of reporters, dozens of photographers, all the major networks would film it, etc.

    Is it really done that way - just 2 people in a room, and no one around to record what really goes on?

    I really liked the movie - I'd also be interested in your opinions about how the royal family were portrayed, and how the Blairs were portayed.

  • neverin

    Quick answer:

    don't know

    1.Roads aren't closed off for dignitaries - when the Queen visited my home town a couple of years ago her car drove past me as I was waiting to pull out of a junction. There were a number of police motorcyclists and a car in front and behind but that's all.

    2. To be honest I wouldn't imagine anyone other than those who live/work in number 10 know what goes on. We don't have many peeks inside, for some reason (no offence intended) we brits don't seen to need to make a big show of high office - When the PM gives a press conference its ususally from outside Number 10 the cameras don't go in like they do at the White House.

    3. The discussion between the Prime Minister and the Queen is a serious matter - no need for the press hounds to be there.

    It seems that the USA govt like everything to be a big razzle dazzle show whereas in the UK we just get on with it.


  • Crumpet

    1) yes - like neverin said. I think not everyone wants to kill our PM as much as they want to kill your President.

    We had a member of reoyalty at my offices yesterday - apart from one discreet bodyguard there was no more security for him than there was for me. And I'm no princess!

  • DJK

    Crumpet, you ruined my day, I thought you were a princess.

  • LittleToe

    Yes, yes, yes...

  • Crumpet

    LT on what basis can you be sure about no 2?

    Oh wait a minute its all starting to make sense...

    You have a spiritual side like Bush

    You are forming an alliance with America, like Tony

    You're one of Tony's cronies aren't you - permitted into the tight inner circle!?

  • LittleToe

    No just a little bit of precog and astral projection

  • TopHat

    I have a friend in England who went out to dinner with his family in London at a rizey resturant and was over looked by the waiters because Royality sat down a few tables over from him. They were ignored and had to wait for their order to be taken until the Royals were waited on first.

  • LittleToe

    Royalty regularly visit our island, as they love the Scot-thang. The Queen went walkabout less than 100 yards from my office on her last visit.

  • Crumpet
    The Queen went walkabout less than 100 yards from my office on her last visit.

    I wonder why she didnt venture any closer - some special intuition must have warned her!

    Btw is your island the one where they filmed League of Ordinary Gentlemen?

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