If you spent so many hours studying the subject it will no doubt all be there in your mind and you will get through with flying colours. I wish you all the best.
Tomorrow is my Master's Defense (wish me luck)
by asleif_dufansdottir 19 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck!
Adding my two cents' worth: good vibes for good luck!
I was very nervous heading in to my defense--then my major advisor pointed out to me that, after all my preparation, *I* was the expert on the subject. So remember--when it comes to your topic...you're the expert!
La Capra
Good luck to you. Last year this time, I finished mt JD. No thesis defense, but the bar exam loomed. In the end, looking back, I enjoyed being at the bar exam (but it took little slivers of a "relaxant" to calm me down). Sometimes, others catch me still studying for it, even though I don't have to anymore. If you truly love what you studied, you too ill find yourself doing the same thing. Enjoy the day. This is a huge moment for you. Shoshana
I thought this was a thread about the karate kid or something
Good luck! I envy anyone who is able to do pure research and write a good thesis. The hard thing to have is an original thought, that turns out to be right.
Thanks everybody.
Everything went well. I survived. Everyone even laughed at all the right places (I try to make my presentations entertaining to keep people engaged). But it made for one Long day (there were I think 15 presenters).
It was at ASU.
The topic was "The Green, Green Grass of Home: Landscaping Preference in a Desert City."
I got hugs and handshakes from my committee...now I just have to finish out the semester.
Go get 'em. to you, afterwards.