Yadda wrote: "The 'tree' in Daniel 4 simply stands for world rulership given by God. It is not God's kingly rule on earth as exemplified by Jerusalem, as the Watchtower Society believes.
Mad writes: Correct! Rulership was given by God to Babylon, when He allowed it to be conquered by Babylon in 607. The scriptures state the Jews would be captive 70 years. They were released 2 years AFTER babylon fell in 539...in 537 BC (Berfore Christ). 70 years rolls back the calendar to (gasp!) 607 BCE. So nice try- but you fail at the very start, so the rest is at fault!
At the time the tree pictured world rulership that God had given to Nebuchadnezzar, ie, the Babylonian world empire. It is a parallel vision to that of Daniel 2 of the immense image (the head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar, likewise the immense tree was Nebuchadnezzar's world empire at that time).
Mad writes: Same date 7 rulership applies there.
That 'tree' was chopped down when the 'holy watcher' - an angel - came down and wrote the writing on the wall in Beltashazzar's royal court on the very night the Medes and Persians sacked Babylon. So the tree did not fall in 607 BCE (nor at Jerusalem's destruction in 586 BCE). It was chopped down in 539 BCE.
Mad writes: LOOKS that way- except that, just as you compared with the image of different metals in chapter 2 of Daniel, this tree does NOT simply represent babylon- but the passing of Rulership taken from the Jews, and given to the Gentile nations! So the "chopping down" takes place at the start of Christ's reign (Daniel 2:44). The verification is that, using the chronology that the WTBS and others have used (Each "time"= 360 days Hebrew Calendar/ symbolic of 360 years), takes you in the prophecy to the year Christ arrives on the scene- AND the Jewish Nation was expecting his arrival BECAUSE of this dating!
Nebuchadnezzar is spoken of in scripture as Jehovah's 'servant' and had a rather special relationship with Jehovah that no other gentile ruler has had since. He acknowledged Jehovah's sovereignty after regaining his madness and he received his rulership directly by Jehovah's authority.
The tree (world rulership given by God) was chopped down and the stump branded until Jesus Christ, the one with the legal right, is crowned as earth's new king. At the time the seven times will have passed and the tree will grow and flourish again. It will be world rulership by Christ and the holy ones (Daniel 7).
Mad writes: Correct! This "world rulership" was given to the Gentiles....when the Jews were judged evil by the True God!
The 'seven times' is simply a symbolic statement indicating the passing of a long period until the fullness of time is reached for the completion of God's plan in relation to world rulership. It is not 2520 years and cannot be predicted in advance as if it was some mystical, hidden bible code.
Mad writes: If it were merely symbolic, the details would be meaningless- and Jesus appearing at the date specified would be of a coincidence only YOU would want to believe!
(Jesus said explicitly that these things are reserved for the Father only and no one knows the day or the hour except the Father.) The 'seven times' began when the Babylonian world empire was 'cut down' in 539 BCE and will end at an unknown future time when Jesus is crowned as earth's new ruling king (not 1914).
Mad writes: Day & Hour, true! The year appears to be a different story- although even I as a JW find it hard to swallow that Christ began ruling in 1914. Yet the year IS specified- if you look closer! Maybe it had a DIFFERENT signifigance!
JWfacts is NOT the WTBS.