I want to pass on something to you. I don't know where you all stand on the matter, and it is a very sensitive subject to bring up to anyone. But you know that law that was passed the other day? The one about late-term partial birth abortion? Did you know that this new law doesn't have an exception for if the mother's life is in jeopardy? I was shocked when I heard that, because I have a friend who kept trying to have a baby, but her pregnancies almost killed her (2 of them in a row), and they had to abandon ship and abort. They were very sad about losing their babies, but she almost died, and there was no other option. Well, now she's still here and they are adopting an orphan from Guatamala. I couldn't imagine if she would have lost her life, and her husband would have become a young widower. The baby in Guatamala would probably not have gotten a chance at getting a home, because she is the one flying out to adopt it! Well, there is a petition going around to try to protect moms from being sacrificed needlessly. I know it's rare, but it happens. When it does, I'd like to believe that the mom gets to live on. This new law gives no consideration for an adult human life, and is only there to mix church and state for votes. Obviously, Bush hates women and loves to kill people in other countries. He obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about the sanctity of life. This country is getting WAY TOO controlling. Like I said, I don't know where you stand on the subject, but everyone I've talked to is really worried about where our government is going with a law that is willing to sacrifice both mother and baby for a religious cause. You know, if the mom dies, the baby will die anyway. So the new law doesn't seem too logical to me. They are going for 50,000 signatures. This isn't a pro-life or pro-choice issue here. I know that many women wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for the option to abort a fetus that was killing her. This new law sets it up so that BOTH get to die. After all, how does a fetus live inside of a dead mother? It doesn't! All I have to say is, these men who signed this into law better hope their wives or daughters don't have pregnancy complications in late-term. Oh wait, I forgot. They have money, so they will just fly out of the country to have their lives saved while poor women get to suffer for the cause. The procedure that was just banned happens to be the safest way to abort a complicated late-term pregnancy. It is funny that the other procedure is much more dangerous for the woman, but that one was left legal. Obviously, this law was set in place to kill women. No one uses this procedure as birth control to get rid of unwanted pregnancies. It is ALWAYS used as am emergency way to save a woman having complications. If the fetus isn't old enough to live outside of the womb, AND the mother is very ill and could die, the new law says they both have to go!!! As I understand it, the petition is our first line of defense against this horrible attack on women and their doctors. Imagine being a OB/GYN, and having to tell your very sick patient that she will probably die, and you know that you could save her with a procedure that only takes a few minutes, but you can't because you will go to prison. Here ya go, and you can sign it even if you are a citizen of another country! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/677700153?z00m=9426090<l=1177186677 And I don't want to hear anything from anyone who thinks mothers should sacrifice themselves for a fetus. That is a very strange, twisted, non-logical way to think. I would never think any of you in here would go that route anyway, but just in case....no one else wants to hear about Bush being the voice of heavenly angels, lmao. Thoughts like that come from nutjobs, IMHO. Take care all!
Abortion Ban
by Schism 21 Replies latest jw friends
PS. If you agree that women shouldn't be sacrificial lambs to a government controlled by religious extremists, please send this petition to everyone you can think of! This is extremely important to get the word out! Every signature counts.
The ban is against the procedure, not against all late term abortions. There are other methods for late term abortions that can be used and are just as safe when the life of the mother is endangered. Do a google search for the different kind of abortion procedures.
The ban is against the safest form of late-term abortions. It is not up to Bush to decide for a DOCTOR what the safest method to save a woman's life would be. This should not be a political issue, but it is. Americans need to stand up to these extremists and let the doctors do the deciding of which method to use.
We aren't talking about killing babies. This is about men who are slowly chipping away at all forms of contraception. Did you know that this is only the start of an all-out attack on birth control, including condoms and the pill? If this is a free country, this needs to be stopped before it progresses. We aren't all Catholic, and not every married couple wants to fertilize every egg. Furthermore, contraception is a private issue between a man and a woman. They are passing a law that makes it ok for a pharmacist to refuse to fill a script for birth control pills (not the morning-after pill, but the actual everyday pill). This insanity has gone far enough and needs to be addressed. Please sign the petition to ensure that reproductive freedom isn't taken away from women, men, married, unmarried, etc.
I'd also like to add that the other form of late-term abortions (which are also used as an EMERGENCY to save the mother) is much crueler and more gruesome to the fetus than part-birth. There was no logical reasoning behind the new ban, other than to establish that the unborn are worth more than the living adult that is carrying it. They are setting the stage for complete control over how much sex a married couple can have. In their minds, it's missionary style, for the purpose of reproduction. Is that what we want our country turned into? A place that is more conservative than even JW-land?
Once again, and I cannot emphasize this enough: Late term abortions are already extremely rare, and are not used as a form of birth control. They are there in case something goes terribly wrong and the mother's life is on the line. PBA is a doctor's safest route to take to ensure that his adult patient survives, and the courts just decided for the doctor to take the less safe route. This is a CONTROL issue, set in place by a group who knows nothing about OB/GYN medicine, and it was done in an attempt to MIX church and state. Our constitution is crumbling before our eyes and we don't even know it.
Bush did not impose this, but Congress passed the law and he signed the legislation. A large majority of Americans agree with the banning of this procedure and that is why it became law.
No one asked the majority of America. The law doesn't give consideration for a woman's life if it is at stake, and if you are too blindfolded to see how unconstitutional that is, fine. The majority of America is pro-choice. The majority of people who are pro-life agree that the life of the mother is more important, and that by killing the mother, both mother and fetus will die. No one supported the minor detail flaw in the law: That it gives no consideration to circumstances that may mean life vs. death to the mother. Even if there are a hundred other ways to abort a dangerous pregnancy, the law still should have had an allowance for the mother's life.
I am not here to debate. If you don't want to sign it, don't sign it. I'm not asking how anyone feels about PBA, I am giving those opposed to the court's decision a way to voice their opinion through a petition. If that doesn't apply to you, then don't accept my invitation to sign the petition.
I am not arguing with anyone. As I said, sign it if you agree that doctors should make this call.
PS. Bush imposed this in 2003.
BlackSwan of Memphis
Thank you for the link!
I was trying to explain this on another thread and I don't know if people understood me.
There ARE times it may be warranted and it is NOT the govt.s decision.
And this is Exactly what Bush had in mind.
Thank you BlackSwan! Please pass the word around! We need to stay awake, otherwise our basic human rights will be swept away before our very eyes. And I'm not talking about abortion rights. We have been having this anti-sex campaign right under our noses. No sex ed in schools, pharmacists are being protected by law to refuse to fill scripts for daily birth control pills, as well as the "demonized" morning-after pill. Before you know it, there will be a camera in all of our bedrooms making sure husbands and wives have sex the "proper" way, and only once a year to become pregnant.
This petition was created to nip this slippery slope in the butt before it gets even more insane. And by insane, I mean that a law was just passed that doesn't make an exception for an adult's life. That, my friends, is insane. JWs have abortion to save their own lives. This is so extremist, I don't even know what to say. I am anti-late-term abortions, but this law went over-board.