It's wonderful to hear from you again Linda. I hope you get stronger and healthy again. You sure have a lot of people rooting for you. ((((((((((((((((((((Linda & Trevor))))))))))))))))))))
Hi, it's me again
by fullofdoubtnow 48 Replies latest jw friends
kitten whiskers
Yea!!!!! Home is a wonderful place to be! Hope you luxuriously take in each comfy moment! There's nothing like relaxing and wiggling your toes in your own bed! I bet you would look lovely in a scarf! Whenever I see a woman in one, I am in awe of her strength and I feel such respect for her. There is a country song by Randy Travis I've always liked. He say's "Time takes it toll, it makes a young girl's brown hair turn gray. Honey I don't care. I ain't in love with your hair, if it all fell out, I'd love you anyway!" Have you heard it before? Hope it makes you smile! Happy Weekend to you Kitten Whiskers
Hiya doll! Great to hear from you! I agree, the wigs are good for public, but who really cares with those you love? My friends who have gone through chemo got themselves a kick-ass set of head scarves. You deserve some too.
Hugs to Linda
Hi Linda, it's so great to hear from you!
Have read all of Tervor's updates and been really moved by your experience altogether. Wishing nothing but the very best for the both of you. Good things can happen to good people. Even where you currently are right now. One little request if you don't mind: If you ever feel like getting around to it, I always liked your other mug shot. I am from Hawaii and liked that "shaka" photo. Don't know why, but I often liked to check that one out. It made an impression.
Or, I guess I could live with the current one too. : )
Hang in there!
Get well.
All the best,
Vinny -
Enjoy your time at home, sit back, watch a movie, hopefully it is warm where you are, and you can sit out in the sunshine. Glad to hear from you, we are all concerned for you.
Welcome Back.
It's so nice to see you posting here Linda! I bet Butch slathered you with love. lol
Talk with you tomorrow hon.
Love, Juni
Hi Linda, you are sounding chirpy, that's great. Good to hear there was an explanation for you feeling so ill and that's not what it's going to be like the whole time.