I'm back..JW's at my door left stunned and in tears

by toladest 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • toladest

    Well, I'm back after a couple years away from this site. I still recognize a lot of names here, but there are a lot of new ones too.

    I wanted to share an expierience I had with two witness "sisters" at my door a couple weeks ago. I told the sisters right away that I was raised as a JW and my mother is still a JW. They of course asked why I was no longer a practicing JW. SOOOOO I told them. I went into how my father in law (Now ex-father in law. Thats another long story but results from the mental breakdown my husband had as a result of severe abuse as a child) ) was an Elder and congergation overseeer and how he abused AT LEAST 17 girls over a 20 year time period. I told them how even when he went to prison for it he remained a JW in good standing. I told them they would not accept the sworn testimony of 4 girls at his trial as proof he was guilty or his own lies that he was CLEARLY caught in. I told them how Mario Mareno fron the WTS was AT THE TRIAL and about the lawsuit against the JWs and still he sat in prison and EVEN PREACHED to fellow inmates. I told them that I had loved Jehovah VERY much and I was a faithful follower. I told them how I used to get 20 - 30 hours per month in field service and even auxillary pioneered for a time. I was active on the ministry school and had NEVER done anything to be reproved or DFed for. But as the trial went on against my father in law I asked the elders in my hall (he was in another hall accross the country in Yerington, NV) why he was not being held accountable. They told me to have faith and wait on Jehovah. They said that when Jehovah wanted to "bring this matter out" he would do so. I said how much more "out" could it be???? There was a trial going on. I kept asking and kept bringing it up. I was not talking to others in the hall about it, besides my mother who was a pioneer at the time. I asked for her to help me understand it. I saw lie after lie from the elders in the Yerington hall and from the WTS itself. Finally the elders in my hall decided I should be DFed for apostacy. I was SHOCKED! APOSTACY???? Anyway, it's a long story but I appealed and the appeals brothers disagreed with the first brothers, so a letter went to the WTS and they decided I needed to be DFed.

    These "sisters" at my door where stunned. I told them I have the proof in my home and they said they believed me. I asked if they had seen the Dateline program about JW's and abuse. They said they heard about it. I told them my father in law was one of the people mentioned on that program and I could show them by court records and a letter from the WTS's circuit overseer to the WTS that they knew of 17 victims. These were not victims the authorities knew of and the Watchtower Society used eclesiatical (sp?) privledge to keep that info to themselves. The authorities only knew of 4 victims. That means that these MUST have been witnesses that over the years had reported the abuse to the elders, and yet nothing was EVER reported to the authorities by them.

    Both of these sisters were very kind to me and one was even crying. They said they were SO sorry to hear about this and just didn't know what to say. They said they could have some elders drop by to "help" me if I wanted them to. I told them I do not want to go back to a religion that shunned all the victims of his abuse and kept him in good standing. I have heard since then that he has been DFed .....for smoking.


  • Gill

    Toladest - Your story, and the effect that it had on the JWs at your door, is a testament against the WTBTS that cries up to high heaven!

    I'm sorry for all you and your husband and of course your FIL's victims have been through.

    The WT is a wicked organization and stories such as the one that you have told will help to destroy it.

    Take Care, Toladest!

  • BrentR

    Every so often we get a chance to actually cut through the hypnotic fog they are under and possibly trigger some thought and maybe even doubt. Amazing story!

  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    Hello Toladest,
    Let's hope you made those women think about the 'loving' organisation they represent, eh?
    Good for you for speaking up!
    Take care,
    DNC xxx

  • nvrgnbk

    WOW! Thank you for sharing this toladest.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Good for you.

    I have done much the same when they have shown up at my door. Inevitably they walk away with some serious thoughts about how things are really run by the elders and the WTS.

  • Leolaia

    Your account has left me stunned too! Glad you're back to share this experience, hope to see more of you in the future...

  • Gayle

    Thank you for sharing this,,how can any JW have any words to say after that,,it sure needs to be told,,not to be unforgotten.

    My sister tells JWs when they come to the door,,that as a child of 7 yrs old she was lied to that our mom would be coming back "soon" in the resurrection,,that was 35+ years ago,,the JWs pretty much apologize and leave.

    The children get the worst brunt of this religion in so many serious ways.

  • jelcat8224

    Thank you so much toladest!

    I greatly appreciate your story and you for sharing it! I just hope these sisters follow through with what they have heard annd don't just swallow whatever the elders feed them. Wherever this takes them, you did your share, and a wonderful job, of showing them what the WTS is really all about!

  • toladest

    I would have loved to hear the conversation between them after that! I hope it makes them take a serious look at their religion. Unfortunately, some people never will. My mother is one of those people.


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