Went to Mormon Temple today

by pollyana 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pollyana

    To hear a prophet speak. Ya, ya this is Joe Hoover's playground but....learning about species 8179 can only add more perspective (and ammunition) to combat the warped world of Joe Hoover.

    From all I've read about the WTS I was afraid, terribly afraid. Shared Scitless actually to enter a KH alone. So I thought messing with the Mormon's heads might be fun. And far less dangerous. Boy, was I in for a surprise. Big time. I feel lucky I escaped with a few functional brain cells intact.

    I intro'd myself as Joe Hoover. Got It? Good. None of the Moroms did.

    I was enthralled (between vomiting profusely while the "prophet driveled nonsense".) When that [deleted] spectacle was over I hung around and made myself invisible as could be and watched and learned.

    Boy, what I saw made the JW look like a kiddy day care center.

    1. Does the JW congo have a secret handshake?
    2. Do the JW wear "bulletproof" garmies to protect them from evil and confirm their faith?
    3. Do the JW make males wear a Pillsbury Dough Boy hat? (I crapped my drawers when I saw that.
    4. Do the JW poke at each other's bodies separated by a veil? (5 points of fellowship. Some male members poke away at the female on the other side of the veil with their "6th" point of fellowship. Nudge nudge, wink, wink.
    5. Do the JW baptize the dead by proxy? WTF? Baptising dead people to enter them into the Mormon faith.

    This is not to put down those who suffered at the hands of the JW group but after seeing the warped deranged [deleted] the LDS promotes the JW seems like Disneyland in comparision. I can't wait to visit a KH and [deleted] around with their heads. I no longer fear the KH having faced a more disturbed and insidious group of sociopaths.

    My ultimate head trip? I'm planning on having Mormon Missionaries *and* the Pioneers attend my house the same night and time for bible study. I can't wait to see whIt that doesn't become the standard for mind [deleted] I love to hear suggestions for a better plan I can't wait to see what happens.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    I'm planning on having Mormon Missionaries *and* the Pioneers attend my house the same night and time for bible study. I can't wait to see

    It could be an interesting episode if it were aired on some type of reality TV program.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    MSNBC to take on religions who prey upon their own followers?

    Dateline...."To catch a predator" like that would be controversial to be sure.

  • pollyana

    Well, you tell me. Did Jehovah or Elihom wreck vengeance upon me? Yesterday, the Temple visit went well as I said. I went to sleep after my post and woke up at 5 AM dripping sweat. That's weird because I'm in a temperate climate. So something was making my house really hot and humid. I discovered the hot water line to my dishwasher had split and hot water was pouring into the kitchen and then seeping through the floor to my finished basement. What a mess I have to fix. What to do? I can't arrange for the Borg and Morg to meet at my place because of the mess it's in. So, is this a sign not to mess around with religion? Or simply a co-incidence?

  • JWdaughter

    How'd you get in a temple w/o a recommend?

  • pollyana

    Morg Elders have been knocking (hmm, is that a JW registered trademark?) on a friend's door since January. She was afraid to go alone, especially after her and I checked some ex-mormon sites on Saturday. So, did the Morg loosen their rules to let us in their Temple to hear their prophet? We read about the recommend on-line but don't fully understand how you get one. In any event, the elders who've been pestering my friend got us in.

  • Quandry

    1. Does the JW congo have a secret handshake?
    2. Do the JW wear "bulletproof" garmies to protect them from evil and confirm their faith?
    3. Do the JW make males wear a Pillsbury Dough Boy hat? (I crapped my drawers when I saw that.
    4. Do the JW poke at each other's bodies separated by a veil? (5 points of fellowship. Some male members poke away at the female on the other side of the veil with their "6th" point of fellowship. Nudge nudge, wink, wink.
    5. Do the JW baptize the dead by proxy? WTF? Baptising dead people to enter them into the Mormon faith.

    I am interested in these questions. Could you explain??

    1. Did you see people shaking hands in weird ways that were supposed to be secret????

    2. I suppose you are talking about their secret underwear that they get when they are baptised? Did they talk about it???

    3. Who wore this type hat and why?

    4. What????? What do you mean poking each other???? The mental pictures that I am conjuring up are disturbing.

    5. Yep-heard of this one.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    You are going to have guesses fighting guessing...and neither side will win....unless they can silence the opposing side with their guess...ain't gonna happen.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Morg Elders have been knocking (hmm, is that a JW registered trademark?) on a friend's door since January. She was afraid to go alone, especially after her and I checked some ex-mormon sites on Saturday. So, did the Morg loosen their rules to let us in their Temple to hear their prophet? We read about the recommend on-line but don't fully understand how you get one. In any event, the elders who've been pestering my friend got us in.

    This whole post is a BIG CROCK! I ran this by one of my Mormon friends and he just laughed. There is sooooo many holes in your story. The "Prophet" (president of the LDS church) spoke at one of their Temples? He can speak at one of their wards, or in Salt Lake at their Conference center, but to have him publicly speak at one of their temples...doesn't happen. 2. You get a recommend by going through 2 interviews, one with a Bishop who KNOWS you're a member of their church and one with a Stake (diocese) President. Elders can't "get you in". You've been busted BIG TIME.

  • JWdaughter

    At first I thought it was a crock/major confusion, and knew it when I read the elders let them in. The elders don't have the authority to let them in. I thought (giving benefit of the doubt) it was perhaps just a person who went to a local ward/branch and was confused and wanted to rant about the LDS church, but this person is pretty ignorant about how it works in general. Obviously there is some twisted reason for being pukey about the LDS church on the JW discussion board. Whatever! I think the doofy poster read something about the LDS church and thought they needed to expose it or something.

    Just so's you all know. One does not get sneaked into an LDS temple. The local wards are open to anyone. and if you have to be an ex cult member, I would rather be an ex LDS than JW. They don't have a formal shunning policy(that I was made aware of while in it or after leaving-still have friends from the church), and they aren't hateful as a RULE, though I am sure there are exceptions to both statements. JWs shun as required to do and they are hateful as required also. I was a part of the LDS church for a few years and (as I have said before) if it wasn't for the religion(any religion at this point), I would be a member of the community which is very supportive of each other. Yes, all things can be used in a bad way, but I only ever experienced good things whilst in the religion.

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