Hi Gang,
I thought you might like to read a relative's reaction when I sent her a url to the Guardian article about the latest example of Watchtower hypocrisy. Enjoy!
"This is just an attempt to make the organization look bad by the media. The brother in the article answered your question. The annual meeting was yesterday and I'm sure you're little "spy" friends probably were there ready to take apart anything that was said. Rick and Tina were there and I am sure I will be getting an email from them soon as to what the meeting discussion was."
(I'd be laughing right here if his was not so pathetic. "Spys" !!!!!, like us. Makes me think of the movie of that name.)
"All this proves to me is that we are living in the last days and that Satan is trying harder than ever to sway us from our beliefs."
(What in the world possesed the Society to join the UN? I suppose that just revealing this information is "Satan at work"? EVERYTHING IS A SIGN OF THE LAST DAYS. AGGGHHHHHHHH)
>The events from September 11th thru today also prove that bible prophecy is happening right before our eyes.
(Where is this event prophecied? Nostradamus? LOL)
>My main objective is to be doing what I need to do along with my husband and children to survive the great tribulation and Armageddon.
(If Christendom is right, sis and family will be riding out the 'trib with no Holy Spirit and no Christians left in the world. Another collossal disapointment that braindead JWs will rationalize and ignore.)
As far as the special assembly day goes, we have one special assembly day every year and then one two day assembly. We had our special assembly day a few weeks ago and the theme was "Subjecting Ourselves to God,,,Oppose the Devil." Nothing about reorganization.
(No more GB and she takes no note; no more "this generation" and she takes no note: no problem with 'alternative service' and she takes no note; allowing of blood products formerly under ban and she takes no note; the WBTS riding the back of the 'scarlet beast' right along with Christendom and she takes no note! What's it gonna take?)
Please don't send me anymore of these articles from any news source or media source.
(Don't open my eyes, just pull the curtain back to cover the Wizard and pretend the emperor has clothes on...)
Most of these sources as I said are only out to sway the way others think about Witnesses. (As they have done in France and other countries for years.) Don't start with all these antagonizing emails like you were doing before. You have made your choice as far as what your religious affiliation goes and I have made mine. You can not change my mind.
(I will stay a JW until until they "pry my cold fingers from my last Watchtower." This is from someone who had seen a special package about JW falsehoods a couple years ago. She then decided to "study" and she got sucked right back in.)
(Yeah right. Love translated: "You're my brother but you also are an apostate who wants to take us from Jehovah")
I gave her a reasonable reply but I really had to bite back to keep anger out of it. This kills me. I am quickly reaching the point where I just think these people want exactly what they are getting. She won't wake up, she'll continue raising her kids to be disfunctional 'dubs and some day when she finds out what's going on they will curse HER as an 'apostate'.