My upcoming UN-Dedication Ceremony

by OnTheWayOut 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    My last meeting at the Kingdom Hall was the Memorial. I told the wife I don't want
    to go to the meetings anymore. We are in a foreign language congregation. Our
    Circuit Assembly is this weekend. The wife will ask me to come, but I will not
    attend the meeting.

    We have a hotel room reserved as the foreign language Assembly Hall is several
    hours away. I will go to the area, drop the wife off on Saturday and return to the
    hotel room to pick the wife up later. She won't like my plan, but will accept it.
    During Saturday's session, while I am at the hotel, I plan to have a private
    UN-Dedication ceremony.

    I read once on JWD about someone having some kind of ceremony to end their
    dedication to WTS. I was baptized under the baptism questions that made me
    say that I was dedicated to the WTS organization. It is time to end this dedication.

    I would love to use fire, but in a hotel room, I will have to refrain from flames. The
    plan is to set a WT magazine out on the table and allow it to represent the WTS.
    Next I will tell the WTS (thru the WT mag.) how they have taken advantage of me.
    I am looking for other suggestions on what to tell them in my private ceremony.
    When I am done, since fire is out, I will have to destroy the magazine by hand.
    Lastly, I say that by destroying this magazine, I have displayed my resurrection
    to a "worldly" way of life and my dying to my JW course of life.

    I have a few days, please suggest anything else I should do. I will be alone and
    I won't feel the least bit silly, but will have closure. Remember - no fires.

  • averyniceguy

    What about shredder?

  • crazyblondeb
    Remember - no fires.

    Does the motel have a BBQ area? If not, I guess the next best thing would be to take a paper shredder!!

    Or, go to a park, where they do have those outdoor grills!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Within the few days that you are there, will you not have to go #2????

  • OnTheWayOut
    Within the few days that you are there, will you not have to go #2????

    I have stated that I wouldn't even wipe my ass with this stuff.

    The grill at a park could work.

  • OnTheWayOut
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetins OTWO,

    How about building a mini watchtower out of legos, then deconstructing it brick by brick as you recite your mantra of personal decommissioning? Your bringing up my old thread about Freddie's and Clay's "special knowledge" on the banning of blood reminded me that, if for no other reason, I would likewise perform such a ceremony as yours!

    Best and sincere wishes with your plan,


  • sir82

    Since you are having an "un-dedication", how about an "un-baptism"? Take the shreds of your destroyed Watchtower & flush'em!

    Additions to the contents of the bowl, other than torn up pages, I'll leave to your discretion...

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    For me, nothing was more satisfying than taking all of those magazines and books I didn't need and just putting them in the trash. Especially all of the magazines I was supposed to place in the ministry, I was glad to see them go to waste.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    I had a similar final act, but I still lived at home with my folks. The big step was not simply abstaining from meetings, but piling up the bound volumes, bibles, song books etc, outside my room... I did not need them any more. It was the unforgivable sin in their eyes, but a necessary step for me.

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