I thought it was in Kansas City the sister died.........fell of the bleachers ?
How many remember the 1969 8 day convention?
by seek2find 110 Replies latest jw experiences
cognizant dissident
Vancouver, BC - 1969
I'm pretty sure it was a six day convention like another poster said, not 8 day. I was only six but I definitely remember my parents talking about the woman who was killed by the roller coaster car. Although I think they said she fell out onto the tracks and then was hit by the next car. Cutting across the tracks sounds like a more likely scenario. The amusement park was right next to the Stadium on the same grounds. Playland! Every kid who grew up in Vancouver went to Playland every summer. If you had cool parents, they let you go on rides during lunch break at the assemblies. (Mine, weren't that cool)
About 16 years ago at the Coliseum on the same grounds, a little girl fell over the bleacher bars and onto the concrete below. It's a miracle she wasn't killed but they did rush her off in an ambulance. I think this happens fairly regularly at these large stadiums and Coliseums.
Ahh assemblies. The bittersweet memories.
I used to volunteer in the first aid department, which was lots less boring than sitting in the bleachers. Mostly people with headaches, dehydration, sunburns and food poisoning. Real injuries were taken care of by paramedics - lots of JW paramedics. I was just a little helper. My job was to sit there and go get someone if a patient showed up. Of course at the huge huge conventions, they had little urgent care centers set up. Could take care of many problems. It was one of the best volunteer jobs at the convention.
I can't remember for sure but I think it was Kansas City. The only thing I can remember was a young sister playing the piano during the time off for dinner. She was doing such a great job with clasical music. I drove an old 65 Ford from NC and it had an A/C, the first car I had with one and it was so good to be cool with the windows up. I was married to my first JW wife and we really enjoyed our life then. I was 33 . We stayed in a hotel. Time sure changes things.
Ken P.
there are probably a few who are attending to their haemorrhoids down to this day from that assembly...was that assembly sponsored by "preparation H" by any chance?
The blinking heart and brain was the international convention in 1971.
Thank you Watson!
A child actor eh? Kewl.
We attending the Vancouver, B.C. convention. Not only was it 8 days, but it started early and ended very late...like around 8:00 p.m. if I remember correctly.
Actually they started each day about 1:30 or 1:40 and went to about 9 at night. Everyone got there early for seats. We went to the Vancouver one too. I was 6 months pregnant with Princess at the time, and the boys were 3 and 5. My strongest memory was getting there just before the program started one day, no time for lunch, and I was in line to get food for us while Dave looked for seats, and kept getting pushed to the back. Just as I got to the front, they closed the line. "sorry"
Dave walked across the street to a store and I made sandwiches on my lap, to lots of dirty looks from the other conventioneers.
I'm pretty sure it was a six day convention like another poster said, not 8 day.
Nope, definitely and 8 day one. Sunday to Sunday.
Oh, and the Bible dramas were first at the 1966 convention.
New Boy, you wrote:
It was in L.A. at "Dodger Statium".......IT was "The Divine Enderance" convention......that was the name of "ALL" of the conventions that the JWs ever had.
I was 20 years old.
P.S. The very first drama was in 1967..........." The Ciy of Refuge" drama......that was at "The Divine Enderance" convention too.
I was 23 at the Kansas City Intl. Assy
By the way, I think in 67 they had more than one drama, as I clearly remember the drama about Pharoah and Moses and the Magic Practicing Priests, Jannes and Jambres. Later, when I met Joel Adams as my table head while I was doing temporary construction work in 1981, I told him that his voice sounded like one of the Priests in that Drama. He admitted to being one of them, Jambres, I think. I dont remember the title of the drama, but I was in the Federal Penintentiary in Springfield, Missouri, and Five of us got to go to the assembly at the Shrine Mosque. It was a memorable assembly for me. Even more so than the Kansas City Assembly at the old Arrowhead Stadium for 8 hot days.
cognizant dissident
Well, it seems Mulan gets credit for knowing the most details about the Vancouver, BC assembly. Probably because she was pregnant and remembers every frickin looong minute of it! I don't tknow how you did it. Yeah, pregnant women sure didn't get any extra respect or consideration at those assemblies did they? I remember trying to nurse a baby at conventions was a bitch also.
Well, I was only 6yrs old at the 1969 convention so I can be forgiven for thinking it started at 9am. When you are six 1pm - 9pm feels like 12 hours straight! How the hell did they expect little kids to sit that long? Especially with an amusement park right next to the stadium? You could hear the rollercoaster every time it went up and down.
Mulan, do you remember the woman getting killed on the roller coaster tracks? Or is that a figment of our collective imagination?
Talking about all this reminded me of a wonderful family -he was an elder that went to Ottawa Assembly
in his trailer ...On the way home his 8 year old daughter was sleeping in the trailer when they were driving home , A truck ran into them & killed the girl.. And do you know what the Elders said?"our dear Brother disobeyed the law of Ceaser,no one should be in the trailer when it is moving.."
I was angry at Jehovah for that one.
But did any of you have to go looking for lodgings for the world assembly in Montreal ? We had to do that .Knocking on doors so we could place people coming from other countries, for cheaper lodgings
This post has sent me on memory lane good ones & bad ones...