Can YOU identify this photo (1914 Rapture?)

by AlphaOmega 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • free2beme

    Looks doctored

  • Fatfreek

    That boy is probably the richest man on the planet today, Bill what's-his-name.

    On a more serious note, however, let's say someone confirmed that the photo is what it is purported to report. Several sources, even.

    I doubt you'll find one JW who would believe it. Jw's today, shown scans of WT publication pages are highly suspicious that tampering could have taken place.


  • Leolaia

    Thanks for the correction, the bridge story concerns the 1878 date, not the 1874 one. (I should have realized that btw)

  • cabasilas


    The 68 Awake! article can be found here:

  • VM44


  • ozziepost

    Looks a bit odd, doesn't it? Also notice the left side of his face which is either half buried in Chuck's robes or it's a cut&paste job.

  • kid-A

    My understanding is that Russell and his cronies walked out to the 10th street bridge in Pittsburgh where they awaited the rapture, which of course, did not come.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Quite an amazing photo. Do you happen to have a copy of it without that red text on it? Just curious.

  • AlphaOmega
    I think instead there is an anecdote from one of the Bethel longtimers on his attitude on the day in which he thought the Gentile Times would end, and the story puts him at Bethel.

    *** yb75 p. 73 Part 1—United States of America ***

    Quite a few delegates stayed at Bethel, and, of course, members of the headquarters staff were present at the breakfast table on Friday morning, October 2. Everyone was seated when Brother Russell entered. As usual, he said cheerily, "Good morning, all." But this particular morning was different. Instead of proceeding promptly to his seat, he clapped his hands and joyfully announced: "The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day." "How we clapped our hands!" exclaims Cora Merrill. Brother Macmillan admitted: "We were highly excited and I would not have been surprised if at that moment we had just started up, that becoming the signal to begin ascending heavenward—but of course there was nothing like that, really." Sister Merrill adds: "After a brief pause he [Russell] said: ‘Anyone disappointed? I’m not. Everything is moving right on schedule!’ Again we clapped our hands."

    C. T. Russell made some remarks, but it was not long before A. H. Macmillan became the object of attention. Good-naturedly, Russell said: "We are going to make some changes in the program for Sunday. At 10:30 Sunday morning Brother Macmillan will give us an address." That brought hearty laughter from everyone. After all, just that past Wednesday Brother Macmillan had given what he thought would probably be his "last public address."

    I find it hard to believe that they managed to get from amountain top in Jerusalem, back to Brooklyn in time for breakfast, but the photo looks fairly convincing when you play around with the histogram in Photoshop - I'd just like to know what it really was and where it came from.

    I got it from here :

    But, as I said, the webmaster hasn't replied to by e-mail.

  • BluesBrother

    To my untrained eye, something looks wrong with that picture . The people seem in different light and focus to the background.

    The Witnesses have always said this about the events at the time.

    w83 5/15 p. 16 par. 1 The Ride of the Four Horsemen—A Sign ***

    IT WAS Friday, the second day of the month of October of the year 1914. Into the dining room of the headquarters staff of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., stepped the president of the Society. It was just about seven o’clock in the morning. Before going to his place at the head of the dining-room table, he paused. To get the undivided attention of the Bethel family members seated at the dining tables, he clapped his hands. Then, with a positive voice, he made reference to the opening words of verse 3 of the song entitled "Our King Is Marching On!" as found on pages 162, 163 of the songbook HymnsofMillennialDawn, saying, "The Gentile Times have ended, for their kings have had their day." First then he took his regular seat, to preside over the daily religious program of the Bethel family breakfast.

    There is the old story about Bro Macmillan giving a talk at the time and telling the audience "This is the last talk that I shall ever give" , but the world remained and Bro Russell sent him back the next week to explain why they were still here.... It has always been the understanding that they were in Brooklyn

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