Are people REALLY leaving???

by lavendar 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • badboy


  • OnTheWayOut

    Say the WTS worldwide is a ten million gallon bucket. There's over 6 million gallons in the bucket
    right now, but there are several small holes in the bucket. They keep pouring more in at the top.
    If they pour faster than the leaks, the bucket gains water. But this is an old rusty bucket. The
    leaks get bigger as time goes on. We are out in the woods going through a drought. It's getting
    harder to find fresh water to pour into the bucket.

    That's what's going on. For many different reasons (doctrinal changes, lack of love, independent
    thinking, desire for normal lifestyle) those leaks from the organization are getting bigger. Meanwhile,
    the established sources of new recruits are nearly tapped out. The number of children raised into the
    organization in these areas no longer can sustain the numbers without new adult recruits, so the
    WTS has had to go further out into developing countries to find them. That's a short-lived source of
    recruits, and soon those recruits will start leaving as well.

    Now, when you've got over 6 million members, it takes time before the panic sets in. Like holding a
    cup under your bucket to catch the leaks, they have reactivated some of the elderly and otherwise
    inactive publishers with 15-minutes-per month "preaching" and easy-to-do flyer distribution. But
    you can only catch so many and hold them for so long. That action has only helped with positive
    numbers for awhile. We commented before that post-1995 (the break from 1914-generation), many
    couples started having children, so the source of recruits for baptism will be boosted for the next
    few years because those children are somewhere between 11 and 8 years old. Panic might not
    set in until the numbers start plunging in about 6 or 7 years. That takes us to nearly 2014.

    Who knows what the GB will be trying before 2014? It seems they have planned ahead sufficiently
    on financial stability by reducing costs at Bethel, printing facilities, and selling buildings in Brooklyn.
    I doubt we will ever stop calling them the Borg (Brooklyn ORGanization) but they might be out of
    Brooklyn by 2014. The money situation will be in panic mode by then too.

  • nvrgnbk

    Say the WTS worldwide is a ten million gallon bucket. There's over 6 million gallons in the bucket
    right now, but there are several small holes in the bucket. They keep pouring more in at the top.
    If they pour faster than the leaks, the bucket gains water. But this is an old rusty bucket. The
    leaks get bigger as time goes on. We are out in the woods going through a drought. It's getting
    harder to find fresh water to pour into the bucket.

    Wow OTWO! Powerful illustration, brilliant even. Major props to you brother!

    The kicks the old, rusty bucket gets here on the JWD sure aint helping them either.


  • orangefatcat

    I am waiting for their finacial downfall.

    Do you recall the words of Russell that if we as God's people ever had to beg for money outside the org, then it will be the end of the end of the organization.

    But look at it this way, they do beg for money, just think of how many articles are in the WTS magizines they are telling witnesses that they should make the society the beneficiaries of estates, or have wills made out to the Society Some witnesses have left entire fortunes to the org. That is nauseating because they give the money to the wts and forget about their childrens inheritances.. And they constantly ask for so called contributions for literature even though the word of God is to delievered freely with out cost. Other organizations do it so why not he witnesses?

    What will be their demise if ever the government says JW's should be taxed because they are a dangerous cult.? That would kill them for sure.

    I am peeved with my mom giving $10,000.00 dollars to the WTS and we are four daughters so mom says we lose out because she felt giving the money to the WTS was more important.

    Here are interesting points regarding money in the 175 year book.

    Regarding C. T. Russell, who served as president of the Watch Tower Society for over 30 years, one of his associates wrote: "As a means of determining whether his course was in harmony with the Scriptures, and also as a means of demonstrating his own sincerity, he decided to test the Lord’s approval as follows: (1) Devote his life to the cause; (2) Invest his fortune in the promulgation of the work; (3) Prohibit collections at all meetings; (4) Depend on unsolicited contributions (wholly voluntary) to continue the work after his fortune was exhausted.

    At the age of twenty-five, in 1877, Russell began selling out his business interests and went into full-time preaching activity. He then was traveling from city to city delivering Bible discourses at public gatherings, on the streets and in Protestant churches. Because of this work, he became known as "Pastor" Russell. He determined to invest his fortune in the promulgation of the work, devote his life to the cause, prohibit collections at all meetings and depend on unsolicited contributions to continue the work after his own money was exhausted.
    The journal’s beginning was a "day of small things," as its first issue consisted of only some 6,000 copies. (Zech. 4:10) C. T. Russell, chairman of the Pittsburgh Bible class, was the editor and publisher. Five other mature Bible students served originally as regular contributors to its columns. The magazine was dedicated to Jehovah and to the interests of God’s kingdom. Reliance was placed upon God, as indicated, for instance, when it was said in the second issue: "‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication." Never has the publication been suspended. Instead, its printing has soared to an average each issue of more than 8,500,000 copies by late 1974.


  • jwfacts
    jwfacts shows that the rate of growth as decreased dramatically and in the last 10 years 1 million stopped publishing, a large % considering that are only 6 million. JWs have one of the highest turnover rates of any religion. However, they are not exactly leaving in droves, and if your son does join he is likely to stay in for several years, so it would be best to do whatever it takes to stop him getting baptised in the first place.

    If a person is a JW the mind control and entrappment through threats of shunning and disfellowshipping makes it very hard to leave. However not many join who know the history of the religion. I recommend that you print out the following articles for him to read. It is important for your son to know that the WTS is a new religion and there have not always been JWs. Also that in 1919 when they were supposed to be cleansed they believed and practiced things pagan and very different to today. Finally, they did not predict 1914 accurately, and now lie about what was said.

  • orangefatcat

    I totally agree, peoplethat become witnesses if they were to do any sinful thing, that the witnesses (elders, etc) deam a disfellowshipping act, most new ones have no idea how wide spread the consquences are if they fail to walk the walk and talk the talk.

    That is why it is so important to inform people prior to their taking that deep water plunge... the GB has zero tolerance for a persons shortcomings. These days they are seeking out former witnesses who have just faded and are disfellowshipping them now. They use to leave these one alone.

    Even if a person were to speak out or ask questions about the witnesses regarding their history or any thing they publish than it is goodbye and also the lose of ones entire witness family which has lead to fatal results for many wonderful descent persons.

    Please tell him to think twice .


  • BizzyBee
    Many kids I knew who were baptised young get into their late teens and regret their decision, and some leave then, once they have left the family home. I guess they will always be able to coerce young kids into baptism, but keeping them once they grow up is getting harder for the watchtower, as the existence of support networks like this board means the threat of shunning isn't as effective nowadays.

    This makes me sad, because I think of all these young ones and their folks, divided because of the bOrg. All these rural communities, family-oriented, small-town with a slice down the middle, dividing and hurting families because of this nutty religious cult. It is so heartbreaking - the number of families torn asunder for this nonsense!fd When will the insanity end?

  • candidlynuts

    people are really leaving but there are still converts. while there is major news networks carrying stories on biblical prophecy of armegeddon being fulfilled now in our time , it puts the fear in people and they respond to the jw message.

    any of you see Glenn Becks program friday night? all about armageddon and the politics that seem to "fit" ezekial and revelations.

    fyi, the congregation i attended is down from over 100 members to maybe 60 now. probably 50 of those are over 50 years old. most in their 70s and 80s.

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