How about we sane Americans invade Crow's bedroom and leave her a few hundred 12 packs of Scott tissue?Perhaps a better idea would be to lock Crow and Rove in a bedroom and only allow them out when Rove could prove that he was pregnant.
Thank you, thank you for the laugh. Oh the scenarios that brings to mind... and you caught me on the rare occasion of drinking a couple of beers, making your comment all the more bizarrely funny. Rove is evil personified. He is an unintentional, comical buffoon who has made buffoons of too many trusting Americans. I wonder if he would cry, in secret, after reading your post. ...............................Nah.
I think perhaps Crow had a few too many beers the day she made her one sheet statement. One would think she has never used toilet tissue. She does seem to be very ignorant on the subject.