I am new to this forum, and am just starting to get over the guilt of reading posts here. I was raised as a witness, was disfellowshipped last year. All my brothers and sister left too, so my parents were devastated when I left, as I was the only one left going to meetings. The shunning is so hard, esp. since my mom is very ill with cancer. After I was disfellowshipped, I kinda tried not to think of things, just pushed being reinstated out of my mind. Tried to start building my life back. But the last couple months my mom has really been at me to go back, and quite frankly, I do not want to. But I can't tell her that can I? Anyway, just introducing myself.
New Here
by Angry_Kangaroo 27 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome AngryKanga! If that's your real age, be glad you got out when you did. Try to make everyday count. Life can be scary and sad( sorry about your mother's difficulties), but it is also beautiful and to be cherished.
Best wishes,
Welcome to JWD, I hope you find what you are looking for here.
Welcome Angry Kangaroo,
Thank you for sharing your story.
The last couple months my mom has really been at me to go back, and quite frankly, I do not want to. But I can't tell her that can I?
You are dealing with mind control here ... as we were under it once. You gotta understand the dynamics of it ... I highly suggest http://www.amazon.com/Releasing-Bonds-Empowering-People-Themselves/dp/0967068800
Review: Steve Hassan knows whereof he speaks, and this book will help anyone looking to rescue a loved one or friend from the grips of the mind control tactics that characterize sects of all kinds. The most important aspect of Hassan's program is respect: respect for what may have sent a person into the clutches of a sect to begin with, and respect for the individual lost in the double-talk miasma of sect manipulation. This is a book of hope and love; every single member of a family can learn and grow from it, and its message tells us never to give up.
btw: You in Australia?
But the last couple months my mom has really been at me to go back, and quite frankly, I do not want to. But I can't tell her that can I? Anyway, just introducing myself.
Hi, 'roo and welcome. You don't have to do anything that doesn't feel right. You don't have to tell your mother anything but that you love her dearly. Don't feel guilty. Keep reading. While you're at it, get your hands on a copy of Crisis of Conscience and read it. You will not feel guilt any longer. Then pass it around to your sibllings and all of you might end up helping your mother see the light before she is beckoned towards the light. Hugs!
welcome welcome welcome. Once you get used to the demons flying through your head (a biproduct of posting on this board) you will be just fine.
I never met a demon I did not like.
Welcome! It takes a while to get over the guilt trip that you are used to being a JW, so give yourself time and try to replace those thoughts with more positive ones. This is your life and you have to live it your way. Sorry about your mom. Just be there when she needs you.
Welcome to JWD, Angry Kangaroo. Enjoy your stay with us.
A big welcome to the forum.
You said:
But the last couple months my mom has really been at me to go back, and quite frankly, I do not want to.
But I can't tell her that can I?You are currently DF'ed. You can tell her whatever you like to tell her. If you give her a tiny hope
then she will just have to expand that hope. If you promise to go to a meeting or read a book, then
she'll ask you to go regularly or have a study in that book.If you think it's best for her health to not dash her hopes, and you can not get caught in a promise to
do something toward reinstatement, then you could refrain from telling her you have no intention of
going back. If she wants promises, then you have to say NO.Start enjoying your life.
btw: You in Australia?
No I am in the states. My dad lives in Australia though.
I want to talk with her about it, but I worry since her faith does keep her going. I want her to see things another way, and at the same time I don't. She is getting so weak lately, I just don't want to drop a bomb on her at this stage.