for now the rules of dis world is satan
but for 1 day satan will b destroyed
by michiyo84 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
for now the rules of dis world is satan
but for 1 day satan will b destroyed
i mean, the ruler of dis world 4 now is satan
for now the rules of dis world is satan
Please give some non-biblical, non- jehovahs witness proof of your assertion.
I've already heard, and rejected bible and jw teachings on the subject, perhaps you can come up with something new?
Why do you let Satan rule your world? I certainly wouldn't. I rule my world.
Welcome to the board 84. Why don't you tell about yourself, and include the highest grade you completed.
i mean, the ruler of dis world 4 now is satan
Hi 84 - shouldn't dat b
"i mean, the ruler of dis world 4 now is satan innit"
And did you mean 'Satan will only b destroyed for 1 day" or "Satan will be destroyed every day except for 1"?
I'd love to know which Bible translation teaches either of these doctrines, pray do tell...
The TOP 1000 corporations in the world rule the world. 1000 CEO's run everything.
The people who write the rules....that is who rules the world.....or perhaps it is what motivates them that rules them, and pulls their strings.(and ours too)
Who or what pulls our president's strings? (and ours)
rule the world
Don't forget that means rules the WTS and GB too.