" For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth..." -- Isa. 65:17
Found 20 light years away: the New Earth
25th April 2007
It's got the same climate as Earth, plus water and gravity. A newly discovered planet is the most stunning evidence that life - just like us - might be out there.
Above a calm, dark ocean, a huge, bloated red sun rises in the sky - a full ten times the size of our Sun as seen from Earth. Small waves lap at a sandy shore and on the beach, something stirs...
This is the scene - or may be the scene - on what is possibly the most extraordinary world to have been discovered by astronomers: the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.
(see link above for the rest of the story)
the article explains that the planet is about 1.5x the diameter of earth and 5x the mass. Wouldn't that give it a gravity of about 3x earth? And a correspondingly denser atmosphere?