Some people are just so kind

by fullofdoubtnow 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    When our friend Marion was baptised a few months ago, Trev and I went to the service, and we briefly met a couple there who have become good friends with Marion since she has been attending their church. They seemed very nice people, and since then have occasionally asked Marion how we are. They gave her a lift to the hospital to see me last Thursday, and could see how concerned she was about me, I was very unwell last week. Although they hardly know me, they sent me a lovely card, and phoned Marion earlier today to ask how I am. She told them I am have been better this week, and am at home.

    They have a caravan at a site on the East Coast, which they go to fairly regularly during the spring and summer (they are both retired), but aren't using it this week, so they have offerred it to us, free of charge apart from paying for gas and electricity, to go and spend a few days away. As we have only met them once, and then only briefly, we were very surprised when Marion phoned earlier and told us about their offer, and we are delighted to accept, so we will be heading off for a couple of days tomorrow, and coming back Saturday or Sunday. Trev phoned to ask how much they wanted, but they won't hear of charging us, so we will make a donation to their church funds when we come back.

    We are popping up to their church later, they have a Bible Study group tonight, to pick up the keys and directions, and we are off tomorrow afternoon. Marion will be here to look after our dog, so she may post a little, but I will see you all again on Saturday or Sunday. The weather forecast seems ok, so we will have a nice few days break. This time yesterday, I had no idea I would be at the seaside tomorrow, but now I can hardly wait.

    These two are so kind, they are true Christians as far as I am concerned, and they aren't doing it to try and get us to go to their church. When I spoke to them earlier, I said we might go and see them at their church sometime, but they said we have no need to do that, they aren't using the caravan this week, and thought that getting away for a few days might do us both good,

    I may post a little tomorrow, we aren't going until mid afternoon, but if not I'll see you all at the weekend



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Linda that sounds like a very lovely couple . How wonderful to have a few restful days near the coast . I love hearing stories about random acts of kindness , it restores my belief that there are some truly generous souls out there . You have a great time .

  • MsMcDucket

    That was very kind and considerate of them. I hope you have a wonderful and refreshing trip!

  • Crumpet

    That is true christianity without a doubt and I think its marvellous that you are going to donate something to their church funds despite your non religious stance. Good for them and for you my dears!

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    How nice! I hope you both have a wonderful, restorative weekend


  • Xena

    Who says worldly people are all bad??

    They sound like a lovely couple. I'm glad ya'll are getting away for a few days, have a good time!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Linda,

    Ah, yes! Random acts of kindness. It's wonderful - all that you have just described. And there is no ulterior motive behind the offer. Such goodness reminds me of the Maltese, who showed Paul et al "extraordinary human kindness" in their time of desperate need. Now is your time of need and, when you are better, you will be passing on the good deed.
    At this moment a friend's kindness and generosity is allowing me to see all the better what I am writing to you. I just now plugged in a great SONY Trinitron monitor, replacing my former, old and tiny monitor. It's on long-term loan as she has brand new everything. When I was very ill with lung disease several years ago, she bought me a week's groceries, gave me money and bought a very valuable piece of art whose purchase paid the rent. I never ceased friendship with non-Witness ["worldly is so perjorative] individuals. Now, more than ever, I need people in my life - those here at JWD and the ones that inhabit my flesh-and-blood daily life.
    Have a wonderful holiday and needed rest cure; so glad that you are up to posting!

    Love to you and the live poet,


  • juni

    What a lovely couple!! I've met so many wonderful people outside of the JW organization. They'd have you believe that ALL WORLDLY people are horrible no goods. It is so far from the truth.

    Enjoy your stay Linda and Trev!

    Love, Juni

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Just goes to show how people in 'Christendom' aren't anywhere near as loving as JW's!

    Have a really brilliant, refreshing time both of you

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    That is so wonderful and loving of that couple.

    There truly are great people in this world.

    Enjoy your seaside stay.


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