by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    I'm going to a wedding reception this afternoon - they are roasting a pig and giving wagon rides. Tomorrow I'll be going on a 2 day 140 mile bicycle ride in Minnesota (from Hinkley to Duluth and back).

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Saw Inception. Dreams within dreams. Cool. Complex. Absorbing.

    Need to see it another time or two or ...

    And the ending!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Inception gave me some weird dreams last night.

    Can't wait till tonight.


  • truthsetsonefree

    CoCo from the time you started this I have journaled most every day. Now I'm at work browing and journaling. I always remembered your first post about your parents which introduced this thread. I always want my daughter to have something similar.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, truthsetsonefree:

    What a pleasant surprise, not only to see you again, but that you recall the very beginnings of this thread. I was wondering if anyone would ever again post on YDJ. I appreciate, too, your comments on daily journaling and passing on the tradition to your daughter. I'm going back to page one and start reading some of the original posts. I'll be looking for you.

    You've made my day!



  • poppers

    I got back from my bike ride a couple of hours ago and saw some beautiful scenery between Carlton and Duluth, Minnesota. Both days were very windy, and we ended up cutting our ride short because of it - we went 120 miles.

    I go to see a movie about once a year, and this year I'll see Inception - it sounds pretty interesting from everything I've been hearing and reading.

  • poppers

    CoCo - you have a PM.

  • Quentin

    Nice to see this come back to the top....

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Poppers and Quentin, for responding to this old but, I think, useful thread. I appreciate your comments.



  • poppers

    My new iMac arrived today (finally). Somehow my order got screwed up and I had to call Apple to see what the problem was. For my trouble they knocked off another $150 off the $100 educator's discount I received - sweet.

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