School's home for the summer break...going to be a HOT SUMMER...
Bristol "the pistol", our pooch was taken to the groomer. While there our Vet checked her to determin if she was "wildlife" that is to say if she had more wolf in her than dog ( cannis lupus vs. cannis familiar ). He measured her legs and teeth, observed her overall body posture. The Vet put her down as half Malemute Husky and part German Shepard and declared he has no problem treating her. She does have wolf in her, not enough for the Vet to be concerened. We are estatic with jubilation. The problem with wolf dogs/hybreds is they do not know if rabbis vacinations work. Now we know Bristol is more cannis familiaris than lupus.
What's everyone going to do the summer to escape the HEAT? My grandson Quinn wants to take a trip to Alaska, with Bristol of course. We will have to bring Bristol inside during the day, being Malemute the heat will take a toll on her. I thought of getting a large 6 to 8 in high tub, fill with water and drop in some ice bags. We shall see what we shall see. Hope all had a pleasent Memorial Day.
Off to get my cummiden level checked. Can't get spell check to work, please excuse my fat fingers....
Quincy...thick as a brick