by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The BizzyBee and the chirpy birds,

    All it takes is one chatty bird, then the entire neighborhood's aflutter! So sorry, Mrs. Bee, that those little twitters gave you the jitters. Maybe you can, as the French say, "faire dodo" later (take a nap). Ironic that an old bird gets into that oddo expression.
    Keep your garden well-watered. Thanx for sharing and please be careful. As Mouthy said - another kid to worry about!

    No oats for Sad Emo,

    I must have a mental block now against oatmeal. For all the times I've gone amarketing, I return home gruelless. A piano student gave me some home-grown cackleberries, which I truly eat with relish, yet I do miss my porridge. I have some cornmeal and rice cream. They tend to lump up a bit, however. I guess we all have to take our lumps, but so early in the day?

    Thank you, Sad Emo, for your cheer. Hope the road clears up soon and no serious injuries.........

    CoCo Le Creme

  • ninja

    grrrrr frustrating day today..........loads of annoying stuff.....worst is.... my wee mum hasn't been able to eat properly for around 14 weeks...(since mid january)due to her cancer treatment...weird to see her wasting away....she cant even eat a soft boiled egg without bringing it back up due to narrowing and scarring of her oesophagus...she is practically living on cup a soups and bovril ...the medical care she has (or hasn't) been receiving is nothing short of I'm feeling totally helpless and frustrated at my impotence....(not that impotence)!!trust you lot....he he...I mean at not being unable to do anything for her....anyways...thanks Emo for the vigil you have each week...much appreciated from this part of the cosmos...and I have all others on the list in my prayers and thoughts....keep going folks!!!....only good thing is my wee mum loves our kids and I love to see her interact with them...anyways..rant over to work again....I think I need a few Guinnii later......da ninja

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Ninja - sorry about your mum:

    Condolences to you and your family. I was with my father almost every day for the last two months of his life, fixing meals, running errands, taking him to doctors' appointments. I know you'll cherish those like moments with your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you......


  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    I just left the dentist,...and now I'm beginning to feel the after affects of the root canal. Once I get home the darvaset should do away with the throbbing ache.

    What hurts the most is that my insurance only covers $1000 for the year. After all four procedures I have to go through to fix everything I will owe between 2-5k.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Bob - Ugh is the word, or maybe - OUCH!

    I feel for you; will they let you make payments? The oral surgeon I went to for a consultation would only offer a loan package through a local bank, to whom I would make payments - some $250 a month! Or cash or a credit card. The procedure was around $7000. I passed on the deal (after I passed out upon hearing the fee). I sure hope that you can work something out.
    Would we have taken better care of our teeth if it had been more affordable early on? I dunno. The difference between a dentist and a sadist is who's got the better magazines in the waiting room!
    Thanx for sharing you life-altering day.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Ah well, here I am beginning another day at work. I wonder what today will bring?

    The accident yesterday was really sad - a pedestrian died. I remembered her and her family, the lorry driver and everyone else who will have witnessed it or been involved, whilst I kept vigil for our friends here on JWD.

    ninja, ask your mum's doctor to prescribe high energy drinks (not complan or any over the counter stuff. This is special prescription only product which they give to people who have been seriously ill or are anorexic).if they haven't already done (don't let them tell you they don't prescribe them because they DO!!). She could sip these throughout the day when she is able. Also instead of/with the bovril have you tried doing home-made broth and liquidising it? Make it as thin as it needs to be - this way you could possibly get more protein/fat etc into her to help keep her weight up.

    Bob, ouch indeed! Would you believe it's actually cheaper for someone in the UK to fly to Poland for a couple of days and get dental treatment there (and Polish dentists are apparently top quality!) than it is to pay for treatment in the UK? Maybe it might be cheaper to do that from the US too!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wishing all a great day! Please share what's happening in your world.
    Thanx, Sad emo, for sharing the start of your new day.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good morning CoCo

    It's been a very quiet day here so far - only one customer! It's lunch time now and the sun is blazing down from clear blue skies again so I may go out for a walk sometime, get some fresh air to wake me up!! I find it very tiring staring at my computer screen too long.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings to you, also, Sad emo!

    I remember such days at the shop that I ran. We would have days with only a few customers, or none. Then there'd be a day here and there where we'd have sufficient sales to make the rent and then some. Though we were never in the red, rarely in the black, we managed to stay in the pink. Did I say metaphorically-speaking? What I loved most was folks coming in and just visiting. That one-on-one. If they happened to buy something, well, that was simply icing on the cake!
    Sorry to hear about the tragedy revolving around the accident. It's fairly unbearable to contemplate. Those poor people and their distraught families. And the suffering of the friends and family of the hapless pedestrian. Pierre Curie suffered a similar fate as a pedestrian.
    I have the day off and then away to the dentist late afternoon. Did I hear "dentist" elsewhere lately? Some friends go to Mexico and have excellent work done for a fraction of what we pay here in the US of A. Que lastima! for those of us who cannot travel the distance. Did you mention Poland, Sad emo? That's an alternative, I should think....

    Thanx, Sad emo,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Back from the dentist and in good spirits, though the probing pick hit a nerve and sent me fairly skyward. Is that what they mean when a person says "I hit the roof"? Saw some dear ones and reaffirmed the love and affection. Some people are doing better in many respects and others are in the same old rut. What a pity. JWD has surely helped me in the "home improvement" department.
    I'm currently reading James Hilton's LOST HORIZON and just this afternoon rented the movie [original], starring Ronald Colman and Jane Wyatt. I love lost worlds of mystery and intrigue. Hilton's writing is so beautiful and descriptive that I truly imagine myself in Shangri-La.

    "A full moon rose, touching each peak in
    succession like a celestial lamplighter."


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