I just ran across this website. Has extensive material from many different sources. For those of you who are atheist you will find it interesting, for those who are believers it still is interesting.
Jesus Never Existed website
by Balsam 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Not impressed myself, it puts polemic over substance and makes many unsupported claims.
Jesus never exsisted..???..I am not a Christian..I don`t believe that statement..You would have to ignore too much...OUTLAW
Madame Quixote
O my gawd! Am I really, really drunk or are there some great threads going on tonight!@ dang! my dauthger wants her computer back! I think daughter ahs a lot of laundry to do, lol! evil momster strikesagain.
Thanks for that link. I glanced over it and much of what the author states I had read about some time ago. There really is a mountain of evidence that, in fact, there was no such man as Jesus Christ as the Bible writers describe him. I have a couple of books on it, but haven't been doing any reading about religion since about 2002 or 03 after I left JWs (2001). Now i just don't care about it and have moved on to other interests. Not that anyone asked ;-D Pat
I don't need this web site seeing as no one has convinced me a 2000 year old jewish carpenter with a greek name is god or is god's son or is god's prophet.
The only persons who seriously believe that Jesus never existed are on the radical fringe of opinion on the subject. The overwhelming consensus among historians and scholars is that he did indeed exist, at the very least.
For an antidote to that website try this article:
http://www.tektonics.org/jesusexist/jesusexisthub.html -
....and the world is flat!
I am interested in the idea that Jesus never existed, however, there is so much info/counter info out there that forming an intelligent opinion is difficult. The listed website by the OP was highly biased, by the way, not nearly as objective as other sources I've seen that raise the issue. I feel these are much better:
I think one of the most damning points against there being a real life Jesus is that the vast majority of documents 'proving' him real are biblical/Christian in origin. That's like reading the NWT to find out if jehovah is god. There are very few secular references to Jesus, although there are secular refererences to Christianity in general. Even if you accept the gospels as an attempt to factually record the life of Jesus, they were written some 50-100 years after the fact. That's like getting your nightly news from a reporter who wasn't at the scene/going by memory weeks later. Also of great interest is the controversey even amongst believers as to the origins of the bible books, specifically the 4 gospels. Some of them have speculated about the possibility of a 'Q Document' as a common source for some of the gospels.
It started as more or less a joke concept, but I'm currently working on my own theory...what if Paul made up the whole thing, or at least altered the original beliefs drastically for his own purposes? I got the idea after reading several posts here about what apostacy is, and whether any person (the GB for instance) can really be said to speak with the authority of 'God'. I mean...here you have this guy who is somewhat analogous to an SS officer or inquisitor, going around arresting Christians with the intent of eradicating Christianity. Then suddenly he's a Christian, preaching about Jesus...WTF?
What if he went 'under cover'? What if he further 'went native' or became a sympathizer, becoming so immersed in his own role that he began to believe it? If I was some bigshot money Hollywood guy, there's a movie in this, I'm sure of it... would put Da Vinci Code to shame, if done right. Like most of my good ideas, it will probably happen another 10 years from now and I'll be sitting there going 'Hey, that was my idea!". I mean, we've all seen those movies like the one about the Jackal (international terrorist), where they train a guy to impersonate him so much that by the end of the movie you're left wondering...
An ignorant and impoverished population was more readily subjugated by Princes of the Church
The above sentence was copied from that site. It struck me that this is the same way that the WTBTS works by demonising education and keeping its followers poor, hence little access to the internet and little incentive to study.
Interesting site.